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Wroclaw, Poland
15 November 2004

Srila Prabhupada explains his mission to today's world
(Bhagavad-gita lecture, 23 August 1973 in London)

We are trying, even our Krsna consciousness mission, we are trying to awaken (them). Still they are so unfortunate they cannot give up sense gratification. So unfortunate. Condemned, unfortunate. Repeatedly we are spending our gallons of blood--"don't do this"--still they are doing. Cannot give up even sleeping. So condemned. Kali-yuga. Mandah sumanda matayo. So it is very difficult with these rascals. Very very difficult. Therefore my Guru Maharaja's Guru Maharaja, Gaur Kisore das Babaji Maharaja, (he was) they were not preaching. They were (He was) disgusted that, "I have no power to reform these rascals. Better don't bother. Let them go to hell. At least. . . let them. " But still, my Guru Maharaja preached. He was so kind. And he asked us also to do the same thing. But it is very, very difficult job. People are so rascal, so condemned, so sinful. It is very, very difficult to raise them. Very difficult. Manda sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah.

So only those who are very fortunate, they will understand that "I am eternal," avinasi, "I am imperishable. I am put into this condition of perishable condition due to this my material body. " So how to get out of it. They have no ambition. Just like dogs and cats. Simply sense gratification. Krsna is so kind, how, very clearly explains. You try to understand what is the soul. So who does not understand there is consciousness all over the body? Tad viddhi. Yena sarvam idam tatam.

They'll jump over, "Yes, I am the Supreme God. " God's consciousness is also spread all over. that's all right. But is your consciousness spread all over the universe? Both of us, we are conscious. But He is supreme consciousness. Therefore His consciousness is spread all over the universe, all over the creation. In the Thirteenth Chapter, you'll find Krsna (said) says: ksetrajnam capy mam viddhi sarva ksetresu bharata: "I am also ksetrajnam. " Supersoul. What is the difference between Supersoul and soul. Soul? consciousness, is spread all over this body. You are soul, your consciousness spread all over your body. I am soul, my consciousness spread all over the body. But my consciousness not spread all over your body, neither your consciousness spread all over my body. But God's, Krsna's, consciousness is spread over your body and my body, His body and everyone (body). So Krsna is the super or the supreme because His consciousness is spread all over the universe. You cannot hide anything from Krsna. That is not possible. You cannot hide.

Sarvasya caham hrdi sannivisto. After all you are making your plan with your heart and soul. The soul is there and the heart is there, mind is there. Now we are making plan. But you cannot hide the plan from the consciousness of Krsna. He is sitting there. That is super-consciousness. One, you know the Aurobindo. He was trying to get super-consciousness. His philosophy is super-conscious. Everyone who is here knows about Aurobindo. The Super-consciusness you cannot get. That is not possible. Super-consciousness is for Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Vedaham samatitani. Krsna says, "I know everything. " In the Bhagavat it is said: janmady asya yatah anvayad itaratas carthesv abhijnah. The Absolute Truth is that from whom everything is emanating. And He knows everything. Anvayad itaratas carthesu. We have explained many times. Arthesu. Just like I am conscious. But I do not know actually what is there within my body, how it is constituted, how, how many veins are there, how the blood is becoming red, how. . . We have no, actually, information. I do not know what is within this finger. I am claiming it is my finger. Here it is my finger, but I do not know how the finger is constituted. Therefore I am not abhijnah. Although there is my consciousness, I am not abhijnah. Abhijnah means expert in the knowledge. That is called abhijnah. Very experienced. But Krsna is abhijnah.

That is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Krsna is abhijnah. That is said. Janmady asya yatah, in the Bhagavata, beginning. Janmady asya yatah anvayad: indirectly or directly. Anvayad means directly. Itaratas ca: or indirectly. We may know directly that: "This is my finger. " But indirectly I do not know what is the constitution of finger, how it is working, how it is moving. You (we) do not know. I know directly this is my hair. But indirectly how I am cutting hair and again it is growing, it is unknown. I say these are my hairs but I cannot count how many hairs are there. So I am conscious to a certain extent only, not fully. I am not abhijnah. I am not very expert. These are simple truths. But these rascals are claiming that "I am God. " The God is, means he is conscious, not only conscious, He's abhijnah, very expert, knows everything, and svarat. Now, to get abhijnah, abhijnatah or experience , we have to consult somebody. But God is svarat. Svarat means He's personally so independent that he doesn't require to take knowledge from anyone else. That is God. Svarat. Svarat means fully independent. That is God. Now how he become? Sva-bhaviki jnana-bala-kriya ca. These are the description in the Veda. Sva-bhaviki. His knowledge is very natural. Sva-bhaviki. Just like here('s) something itching. Immediately my hand, attention, yes. Sva-bhaviki. It is not that I have to think, "Now here it is itching, what I have to do?" No, you have. . . Immediately, hand comes. Sva-bhaviki, by nature. Similarly when God has to create, as soon as He desires, let there be a creation, immediately creation. He hasn't got to think, make a plan, how to do it, how to execute it, where to get the ingredients. No. His energies are so perfect that as soon as He desires, everything is there. That is God. That is God. And that is happening. Mayadhyaksena prakrti suyate sa caracaram. He desires: "Prakrti, nature, immediately produce a rose flower. " Prakrti helps immediately. The color is coming, the beauty is coming, everything is coming. These rascals say it is automatic. No automatically. There is expert knowledge behind it, that is God. So let us utilize this consciousness. The sense how to understand that supreme consciousness, supreme God. Because I am not supreme, although I am conscious, I am not supremely conscious. I am not expert. God is expert. So always there is difference between God and ourself. We cannot be equal with God. That is not possible. This is sense. Otherwise all rascaldom. Don't be victim of the rascals. Thank you very much. (end)

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