
newly discovered entries of In2-DeepFreeze       First Generation Animations

Wroclaw, Poland
11 November 2004

Prayers in worship of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna


tato vrndavanam dhyayet


vrksa-sandais ca manditam

tan-madhye ratna-bhumim ca
tatra kalpatarudyanam
niyatam prema-varsinam

tan-madhye mani-mandapam
nana-ratna-ganais citram

vitanair upasobhitam

vimuktam sat-tarangakaih 

tan-madhye ratna-khacitam
svarna-simhasanam mahat

                               (Gautamiya Tantra 4)

"Vrndavana-dhama is a place of ever-increasing joy.   Flowers and fruits of all seasons grow there and that transcendental land is full of the sweet sound of various birds.   All directions resound with the humming of bumblebees and it is served with cool breezes and the waters of the Yamuna.   Vrndavana is decorated with wish-fulfilling trees wound with creepers and beautiful flowers.   Its divine beauty is ornamented with the pollen of red, blue and white lotuses.   The ground is made of jewels whose dazzling glory is equal to a myriad of suns rising in the sky at one time.   On that ground is a garden of desire trees which always shower divine love.   In that garden is a jewelled temple whose pinnacle is made of rubies.   It is decorated with various jewels, so it remains brilliantly effulgent through all seasons of the year.   The temple is beautified with bright-coloured canopies, glittering with various gems, and endowed with ruby-decorated coverings and jewelled gateways and arches.   Its splendour is equal to millions of suns and it is eternally free from the six waves of material miseries.   In that temple there is a great golden throne inlaid with many jewels.   In this way, one should meditate on the divine realm of the Supreme Lord, Sri Vrndavana-dhama. "

Next, one should meditate on Radha and Krsna seated on that throne:

presthalibhih sevyamanau smarami

                                             (Cc. Adi. 1. 16)

"I meditate on Sri Sri Radha and Govinda, who sit on an effulgent throne underneath a desire tree in a temple of jewels in Vrndavana.   They are being served by Their most confidential associates, the gopis. "

meghabham vaidyutambaram
dvi-bhujam jnana-mudradhyam
vana-malinam isvaram 

sakhibhih parivestitam
cid-ananda-ghanam krsnam

sri krsnam sri-ghana-syamam
dvi-bhujam sarva-devesam

"I meditate on the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna, who possesses beautiful lotus eyes, whose colour is that of a new cloud, whose clothes are like lightning, who possesses two arms and a beautiful forest garland, and whose hand is indicating divine knowledge by exhibiting the jnana-mudra.   That Krsna is decorated with glittering ornaments and is surrounded by all the cowherd friends of Srimati Radharani.   While being embraced by Srimati Radharani Herself, His form is intensified consciousness and bliss.   Sri Krsna, who is intensely bluish-black, in His two-armed form, is the Lord of all the demigods, and His body is full of transcendental bliss. "


Atharva Vediya Gopala-tapani Upanisad (Purva Vibhaga 36-47)

om namo visva-rupaya
visvesvaraya visvaya
govindaya namo namah

"Lord Brahma, speaking to the great sages and saints, prayed to Lord Krsna as follows:  'I offer my humble obeisances to Lord Krsna, who is the giver of pleasure to the cows, whose external form is the form of the universe, who is the cause of the maintenance and dissolution of the material universe, and who is the Lord of the universe. '"

namo vijnana-rupaya
krsnaya gopi-nathaya
govindaya namo namah 

"I offer my obeisances to Lord Krsna, who is the giver of pleasure to the cows, who is the Lord of the gopis and who is the embodiment of unlimited knowledge and the highest bliss. "

namah kamala-netraya
namah kamala-maline
namah kamala-nabhaya
kamala-pataye namah

"I offer my o beisances to Krsna, who possesses lotus-petal eyes, who wears a garland of sweet-smelling lotus flowers, who has a lotus navel and who is the Lord of the gopis, who are as beautiful as lotus flowers. "

govindaya namo namah 

"I offer my obeisances to Lord Govinda, who looks very beautiful wearing a peacock feather upon His head.   His plenary expansion is Lord Ramacandra, His intelligence is eternal and ever-fresh, and He is the swan that swims in the mind of Laksmi-devi. "

partha-sarathaye namah 

"I offer my obeisances unto Krsna, who is the destroyer of the dynasties of demons headed by King Kamsa.   He is the slayer of the Kesi demon and the wrestler Canura.   He is offered prayers by Lord Siva, whose chariot flag is marked with the insignia of Nandi, the bull, and He is the chariot driver of the son of Prtha, Arjuna. "


"I offer my obeisances to Krsna, who is accustomed to playing on a flute, who is the protector of the cows and the chastiser of the Kaliya serpent.   He is fond of wandering here and there on the banks of the Yamuna and He is beautified by wearing swinging earrings. "

maline nrtya-saline
namah pranata-palaya
sri-krsnaya namo namah

"I offer my obeisances again and again unto Sri Krsna, who wears a garland of kisses from the lotus mouths of the gopis.   He is conversant with the art of dancing and is the protector of the surrendered souls. "

namah papa-pranasaya
govardhana-dharaya ca

"I offer my obeisances unto Lord Krsna, who is the destroyer of the sins of the fallen souls.   He is the lifter of Govardhana Hill.   He brought about the end to the life of Putana and He took away the life of the demon Trnavarta. "

niskalaya vimohaya
advitiyaya mahate
sri-krsnaya namo namah 

"I offer my humble obeisances again and again unto the great Lord Krsna, who is beyond the illusion of maya and from whom that illusion comes.   He is the supreme pure, the enemy of the demons and is one without a second. "

prasida paramananda
prasida paramesvara
dastam mam uddhara prabho 

"O Supreme Lord, O reservoir of the highest pleasure, be pleased upon me.   I have been bitten by the poisonous snake of mental and bodily miseries.   Therefore, O Lord, please deliver me. "

sri-krsna rukmini-kanta
samsara-sagare magnam
mam uddhara jagad-guro 

"O Lord Krsna, O lover of Rukmini, O attractor of the minds of the gopis, please uplift me, for I am immersed in the ocean of birth and death, O spiritual preceptor of the universe. "

kesava klesa-harana
narayana janardana
govinda paramananda
mam samuddhara madhava 

"O Lord Kesava, O destroyer of the threefold miseries, O only refuge of all souls, O destroyer of the Jana demons, O Govinda, O reservoir of pleasure, please uplift me who am fallen, O husband of the goddess of fortune. "

he krsna karuna-sindho
dina-bandho jagat-pate
gopesa gopika-kanta
radha-kanta namo 'stu te 

"O my dear Krsna, You are the friend of the distressed, the ocean of mercy, and the Lord of creation.   You are the master of the cowherdsmen and the lover of the gopis, especially Radharani.   I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. "


radha rasesvari ramya
rama ca paramatmanah
rasodbhava krsna-kanta

"Beautiful Srimati Radharani is the queen and the origin of the rasa dance.   She is the giver of pleasure to Krsna, who is the Supersoul in the hearts of all.   She is the lover of Krsna and is always situated upon the chest of the Lord. "

krsna-pranadhidevi ca
maha-visnoh prasur api
sarvadya visnu-maya ca
satya nitya sanatani 

"She is the presiding Deity of Krsna's very life, and She is the first of all persons, the energy of Lord Visnu, the embodiment of truthfulness - eternal and ever-youthful. "

brahma-svarupa parama
nirlipta nirguna para
vrnda vrndavane tvam ca

"Her form is spiritual, therefore She is transcendental and beyond mundane qualities.   She is divine energy and is unattached.   O Radha, in Vrndavana You are the leader of the gopis, and You reside on the banks of the Viraja River. "

goloka-vasini gopi
gopisa gopa-matrka
sananda paramananda

"She is a resident of Goloka Vrndavana and is a cowherd damsel.   She is the queen of the gopis and the divine mother of the cowherd boys.   She is joyful and always experiencing the highest bliss, and She incites lusty desires in the heart of the son of Nanda. "

vrsabhanu-suta santa
kanta purnatama tatha
kamya kalavati-kanya
tirtha-puta sati subha 

"Radha is the daughter of Maharaja Vrsabhanu.   She is very peaceful and lovely.   She is completely contented and fulfilled, very pleasing and is the daughter of Kalavati.   She is the purifier of the tirthas and She is most auspicious and chaste to Lord Krsna. "

samsara-sagare ghore
bhitam mam saranagatam
sarvebhyo 'pi vinirmuktam
kuru radhe suresvari 

"O Radha, I have fallen into the horrible ocean of birth and death and am frightened, but I am seeking Your shelter.   O Queen of the demigods, please free me from all fears. "

dehi mahyam param bhaktim
krsnena parisevite 

"O Radhika, please give me transcendental devotional service to Your lotus feet, which are worshipped by Lord Brahma and Laksmi, and which are served even by Lord Krsna. "

radhe vrndavanesvari
vrsabhanu-sute devi
pranamami hari-priye 

"O Srimati Radharani, I offer my respects to You whose bodily complexion is like molten gold.  O Goddess, You are the queen of Vrndavana.   You are the daughter of King Vrsabhanu and are very dear to Lord Krsna. "

mahabhava-svarupa tvam
prema-bhakti-prade devi
radhike tvam namamy aham 

"O Srimati Radharani, You are the exalted form of mahabhava, therefore You are the most dear to Krsna.   O Goddess, You alone are able to bestow pure love for the Supreme Lord;  therefore I offer my humble obeisances unto You. "


samsara-sagaran natha
goptarau me yuvam eva

"O Radha-Krsna, You are my protectors from the ocean of material existence which is characterized by sons, friends, household and land.   Therefore You are known as the destroyers of the fear of those who are surrendered unto You. "

yo 'ham mamasti yat-kincid
iha loke paratra ca
tat sarvam bhavato 'dyaiva
caranesu samarpitam 

"O Your Lordships, myself and whatever little bit is mine in this world and in the next, all that, I now offer unto Your lotus feet. "

aham apy aparadhanam
alayas tyakta sadhanah
agatis ca tato nathau
bhavantau me para gatih 

"O Your Lordships, I am certainly the abode of many offences and am completely devoid of the practice of devotional service;  neither do I have any resort or shelter.   Therefore, I am taking You as my ultimate goal. "

tavasmi radhika-natha
karmana manasa gira
krsna-kante tavaivasmi
yuvam eva gatir mama 

saranam vam prapanno 'smi
prasadam kuru dasyam bho
mayi duste 'paradhini 

"O Lord of Srimati Radharani, I am Yours, my actions, mind and words.   O lover of Sri Krsna, Srimati Radharani, I belong to You alone.   You both are my only shelter.   O Radha and Krsna, ocean of mercy, I am taking shelter of You.   Please be pleased upon me and make me Your servant, although I am such a fallen offender. "


mat-samo nasti papatma
naparadhi ca kascana
parihare 'pi lajja me
kim bruve purusottama

yuvatinam yatha yuni
unam ca yuvatau yatha
mano 'bhiramate tadvan
mano me ramatam tvayi 

"O Purusottama, there is no sinful person or offender who is equal to me.   How can I describe my shame?  Just as the minds of young ladies take pleasure in a young man and the minds of young men take pleasure in a young woman, kindly let my mind take pleasure in You, alone. "

bhumau skhalita-padanam
bhumir evavalambanam
tvayi jataparadhanam
tvam eva saranam prabho 

"Just as the ground is the only support for those whose feet have slipped, so also You alone are the only shelter, even for those who have committed offence to You. "

govinda-vallabhe radhe
prarthaye tvam aham sada
tvadiyam iti janatu
govindo mam tvaya saha 

"O Srimati Radharani, the dearest of Lord Govinda, this is always my request to You - please let Lord Govinda, along with Yourself, consider me to be one of Your assistants. "

radhe vrndavanadhise
krpaya nija-padabja-
dasyam mahyam pradiyatam 

"O Srimati Radharani, O queen of Vrndavana, You are a river flowing with nectar of mercy.   Please be kind upon me and give me a little service at Your lotus feet. "

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