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Wroclaw, Poland
10 November 2004

Some Photos from my Final Days in Helsinki


This is Asvahari Prabhu, the chief engineer of the renovation project now taking place in Helsinki temple.
As you can see, the temple is presently devastated. But in weeks to come it will be rebuilt much more beautifully than before.


The temple program went on as long as possible amidst the devastation. When I left Helsinki for Wroclaw, the Deities were moved out of the temple altogether to a nearby apartment.
This was the last class that was at all possible to give in the temple. Later that day the rest of the platform on which we were sitting was removed.


Thereafter classes were held at a nearby school, and then at a counseling center downtown at which the mother of a devotee works.

Wroclaw 9-10 November


Morning shalagram puja at Rocan's flat.
At the entrance to the philosophical faculty of the University of Wroclaw. I am standing with His Grace Garga Rsi Prabhu, who translated my talk there on the evening of 10 November.


I spoke on The Philosophy of Vedanta. Student attendance was optional. Still, as you can see, there was a good deal of interest. The questions asked at the end showed that the students were listening carefully.

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