
newly discovered entries of In2-DeepFreeze       First Generation Animations

Helsinki, Finland
5 October 2004

Report from Tijuana, Mexico
HH Bhakti-Tirtha Maharaja's Health Seems to Improve

Dear devotees, friends and well wishers,

Please accept our most humble obeisances
All glories to our beloved Spiritual Master
All glories to ISKCON Founder Acharya Srila Prabhupada

Hari Hari !! We spent last Thursday at the clinic in Tijuana, Gurumahraja had a sonogram of his liver to see if the cancer had spread. His doctor shared with us that he was most concerned about the liver, not so much the foot. The results from the sonogram showed that one of the nodes had completly dissapeared and the other was just a small shadow, remember when we first arrived in Mexico the same sonogram test showed that there were 2 prominent nodes in the liver as well as the cancer in his foot. The cancer is still in his foot, however, the doctors were releived that the cancer was checked from going to any other organs, and most importantly that the cancer has almost left the liver area. Of course, Gurumaharaja has to be as vigilent as ever, because as we said before, Melanoma is a tricky cancer, and do not have a word of honor. His doctor recommended at least three months continuation of this intensive theraphy. Our goal, if it is the desire of Srila Prabhupada and Krsna is to assist the doctors and Gurumaharaja to become cancer free--It is possible because Gurumaharaja started the program to attack the cancer cells fairly early. He is walking on the foot, actually we are thankful that he is still hooked up to IV's several hours in the day, otherwise he would probably be walking much more than he should at this stage. We want to extend our deepest appreciation to Yudisthira Prabhu and Radha Devi, Radha's mom, Yamuna Prabhu and Jaysri Devi for making the best possible arrangements for our Gurumaharaja during his stay on the West Coast. Yudisthira Prabhu was ever present and available for all of our needs, even driving us from Palm Springs to Tijuana at 4:30am so that Gurudeva could get to his appointment on time. Yamuna (Gurudeva's godbrother) had travelled with Gurudeva on the library party many years ago, he and his sweet wife hosted us in their home for the night prior to flying back East. They both served Gurumaharaja with such love and respect, both Ekavira and I felt extremely fortunate to be in their presence. We will be on the East Coast for possibly 2 weeks, and then we will be leaving for a warmer climate for Gurudeva to continue with his healing process.


Ekavira and I would like to thank all the disciples and friends for making it possible for Gurumaharja to receive first class medical care for his illness. Our faith in the process and love for the devotees have increased beyond what we can express in words. Seeing the sacrifices you are all making to show your love for our father has deeply affected our hearts. we are truly inspired to continue in our services to assist with his on going health care for as long as Gurumaharaja will have us. We would like to thank Bhurijana Prabhu for sending our Gurudeva the most incredible tapes to assist with his recovery. Also Haridas Prabhu for the incredible CD made especially for Gurumaahraja from my dear friend Gaurangi and her father. Thank you so much Cintamani for taking time from your responsibilities of being a wife, a working mother with two children that has to be driven an hour every day to school, for so deligently overseeing the fundraiser, for connecting with the devotees, for wireing the laxmi weekly to the Doctor, for your consistently loving emails, for your phone calls at the clinic, just when I most needed to hear a warm devotee voice, for demonstrating your love for our beloved Gurumaharaja through actions--THANK YOU. CINTAMANI DASI KIJAYA!! Just as importantly, thank you Jaganatha Pandit prabhu for always being such a loving support for your wife. We know that it was your efforts in supporting Cintamani that made it possible for her to offer this service. You guys continue to teach us how to be exempleary as a grhasta team.


Your aspiring servants
With Love
Ekavira and Vrajalila

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