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Kiev, the Ukraine
4 September 2004

Odessa, Karkhov, Kiev
29 August--04 September


My Salagram altar, Odessa.
HH Bhaktivaibhava Maharaja giving a seminar, Odessa.


With Premavanya and Dvijata Pujaka, standing before Govinda's restaurant in downtown Odessa.
Govinda's is run very successfully by Bhakta Sasha.


The prasadam is absolutely exquisite!
Doing my email and In2-MeC work in Sasha's office.


In search of altar paraphenalia, I was taken by Sasha to a couple of esoteric import shops in Odessa. Note the brass chakras on the bookshelf. In one shop I purchased a jar of sandalwood powder mixed with saffron dust. Just add water and you have very nice chandan pulp for decorating Sri Salagram after His morning bath.


From 30 August through 2 September I was at Kharkov. There I stayed at the home of Sandipani Muni das and his good wife Premasagara dd. Sandipani Muni was formerly a general in the Soviet Army.
This is Jan the Cat, who guards Sandipani's home day and night.


Sri-Sri Gaura-Nitai, ISKCON Kharkov. The temple is a few minute's walk from Sandipani Muni's house.


Evening program in the temple yard.


Prasad distribution to devotees and guests, ISKCON Kharkov.
Srimad-Bhagavatam class, ISKCON Kharkov.


I visited Kharkov University...
...where I met Professor Zechmistro, a philosopher of science, and his colleagues. We had an engaging discussion about quantum physics, consciousness, and God. Professor Zechmistro believes that modern atomic physics does not disprove ancient Indian and Greek wisdom about the nature of the world. Physics only points to a deeper reality which science cannot penetrate. I didn't tell him about the ISKCON MacNewletter article...he would have had a good laugh if I did!


Now I am in Kiev, where there are two ISKCON centers. One is a large temple in the suburbs. The other is a preaching center downtown. Today I gave a Gita class at the downtown center.

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