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Wroclaw, Poland
21 August 2004

Morning puja at Rocana Prabhu's flat, Wroclaw.

Sri-Sri Jagannatha-Sudarasana silas. The stainless steel fixtures outline the natural features of the Lord's lotus eyes and smiling face. These fixtures were made by Priyabhakta Prabhu of ISKCON Prague.

This morning Rocana Prabhu is driving me to the New Santipur farm, which is 2 hours outside of Wroclaw city. There I will participate in a Polish yatra festival along with HH Umapati Maharaja (a dear, dear friend!), HH Jayapataka Maharaja, HH Bhaktivaibhava Maharaja and HH Indradymna Maharaja along with some 200 devotees. Rocana and I will return here, to his flat, Sunday night (22 August). Early the next morning I fly from Wroclaw to Warsaw, where I'll connect with a flight that takes me to the Ukraine. I'll take part in the Odessa festival, which lasts a week, and stay in the country for 2 weeks more to preach in different cities. In September I'll return to Wroclaw and spend some days here before catching a flight to...well, later for that, I'm getting too far ahead of myself!

By Monday (23 August) some nice photos of the New Santipur festival should be posted here.

Here's a quotation I do much like, because I think it applies to me more than anyone I know.

He prefers his own answers to other people's questions, even when nobody has asked him anything.

--Stephen L. Carter, The Emperor of Ocean Park, Chapter 26

Did you know?

When famed evolutionist Richard Dawkins was asked in a television interview if there is any mutation observed in any species that is known to have added useful information to the genome (the set of chromosomes and genes in living cells, by which hereditary information is transmitted), Dawkins was stumped for an answer.

Charles Darwin did not know a thing about mutations within the genome, because science had not progressed that far during his time. In today's evolutionary theory, the hope is that accidental mutations within the genome sometimes result in useful new developments--the increase of positive genetic information, merely by chance--in a line of generation. By this process, species evolve into higher forms.

But Richard Dawkins was unable to offer a single proven example of this actually happening. What is observed is that mutations of the genome result in no useful new information. From such mutations come freaks of nature, like the cows with two heads that one can see on display on the Govardhana parikrama path in Vrndavana.

Dawkins explaining present-day evolutionary theory to a TV interviewer.
The interviewer asks Dawkins for an example of a mutation that produced useful new genetic information that resulted in hereditary improvements in a generational line of organisms.

Dawkins is stumped!


Source: The Collapse of Darwinism, a film by Harun Yahya.

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