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Timisoara, Romania
9 August 2004

In2-MeC is a "blog" (dumb made-up computerese neologism!). Hence as the "blogger" I'm expected to write something here every day for the "bloggees" (that's you, dear readers) to read. I've been lax in that duty lately, attending to other things.

One such thing is the technical outfitting of this new computer I have. I've been surfing the Net a lot, downloading various free utility and security programs. Then I try them out. About half the programs I tested, I kept. They are running on my computer now. Registry Commander, for example, which is an improvement over Microsoft's Regedit program.
Then there's a great little program called Slap...this runs alongside your firewall (and let me tell you, if you do more on the Net than simple email, you should firewall your computer--I have Sygate Personal Firewall installed). Your firewall program puts up a shield around your computer's ports so that while you are online, Net spooks can't access your computer, extract info from it and insert little adware and spyware programs of their own into your system. And by the way, along with the firewall shield you need an anti-virus shield too--I use Fprot for Windows. Anyway, I was talking about a program called Slap. The firewall provides defensive protection, but Slap is aggressive. If some Net spook starts scanning your ports, Sygate lets you know it's blocking the scan. So then you run Slap. It sends a message to the scanner. No doubt a lot people who use Slap set it up to send offensive insults, but on my computer Slap tells the scanners "Chant Hare Krishna."

The best source site I've found for such programs is Jeh's Freeware ( If any bloggees out there in Internetland know of a better site, drop me a line.

Now, regarding more direct Krsna conscious matters, there is an essay that presents useful sastric references which is published at this address (just click on it and you'll go there):
This seems to be an Internet address in the Netherlands. I wonder if any of my friends there knows who runs that website.

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