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Preshov, Slovakia
8 July 2004

An inexperienced boy may be struck with wonder by seeing the impersonal actions of electronics or many other wonderful things conducted by electrical energy, but an experienced man knows that behind the action is a living man who creates such energy. Similarly the so-called scholars and philosophers of the world may, by mental speculation, present so many utopian theories about the impersonal creation of the universe, but an intelligent devotee of the Lord, by studying the Bhagavad-gita, can know that behind the creation is the hand of the Supreme Lord, just as in the generating electrical powerhouse there is the resident engineer. The research scholar finds out the cause and the effect of everything, but research scholars as great as Brahma, Siva, Indra and many other demigods are sometimes bewildered by seeing the wonderful creative energy of the Lord, so what to speak of the tiny mundane scholars dealing in petty things.

--Srimad-Bhagavatam 2. 4. 6p


The man who tells you truth does not exist is asking you not to believe him. So don't.

--Roger Scruton, Modern Philosophy


The following letter is from the compilation 108 Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati-Gosvami-Prabhupader Patravali (pratham skanda/Vol. 1) It is translated by Punya-palaka Prabhu of ISKCON Prague


What is to be learned in the life of a sadhaka

(siddhanta provides tools for removing lethargy - how to strengthen our worship - the common purpose of service to Krsna, service to devotees and chanting the holy name - the old histories can easily console us - how to get rid of the desire for mundane fame - what is to be accepted? - the means for anartha-nivrtti - following the mahajanas - the behavior of a devotee in distress and troubles, in good and bad times)


sri sri gandharvika-giridharibhyam namah

Sri Caitanya Math, Sridham Mayapur
August 5, 1926

My dear ---

Having received your lengthy letter from the 21st day of the month of Asarh, I acquainted myself with your report. At that time I resided in Puri, in the Jagannatha-vallabha Math. Then I spent several days in Sri Bhuvanesvar and Cuttack, after which I moved to the Gaudiya Math. Today it has been some 10 to 12 days since I came here.

I understand that you were taking care of the Math in Varanasi by yourself, and that led you to writing such a letter.

krame krame paya loka bhava-sindhu-kula - "By and by you will be able to cross the ocean of material existence. " [Caitanya Mahaprabhu to Raghunatha dasa, CC Madhya 16. 237]

Everything auspicious comes through becoming hopeful and serving Krsna, serving devotees and chanting the holy name with great eagerness. If we always exert all kinds of endeavor for Krsna, we cannot be covered by various temptations of maya. Always engage in hearing and chanting, read the books of mahajanas and the Gaudiya literature, and if you thus acquire the siddhanta, your lethargy shall not stay.

Whenever there are devotees somewhere, talk with them about the Lord, and you will be able to realize how elevated worshiping Him is and at the same time how fallen and insignificant you are. You know that, sarvottama apnake hin kori' mane - "Although a pure devotee's standard is above all, he still considers himself to be in the lowest stage of life. " [CC Madhya 23. 26] Wish the best fortune on all your servants; that will make our worship stronger.

Although service to Krsna, service to devotees and chanting the holy name are three different activities, still the purpose of all three of them is one.

nama sankirtanera dvara krsna o karsna-seva hoy
vaisnavera seva korile krsna kirtana o krsna-seva hoy
krsna-seva korilei nama-sankirtana vaisnava-seva hoy
tahara pramana ei - "sattvam visuddham vasudeva-sabditam"

Through nama-sankirtana one serves both Krsna and devotees, while serving Vaisnavas one performs both kirtana and service to Krsna, and in serving Krsna both nama-sankirtana and service to Vaisnavas are included. The proof of that is this quotation: sattvam visuddham vasudeva-sabditam - "Worshiping Vasudeva is enacted on the platform of pure goodness. " [SB 4. 3. 23]

The recitation of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta is a service to Krsna as well as chanting the holy name. The same is accomplished by reciting the Srimad-Bhagavatam in the assembly of devotees. The Deity worship also includes these three kinds of duties. They are also nicely executed by singing devotional songs.

Learn from the ancient histories about the propitiousness of devotional service, in other words, know how favorable situations developed from unfavorable worldly interests. An unfavorable misfortune is made favorable by devotional service after some time. All objects in the whole manifested world are ingredients for serving Krsna. The intelligence turning away from service has a disastrous effect on our inclinations, engaging the objects for our enjoyment. As soon as we see, by awakening of transcendental knowledge, how everything in the world has its relationship with Krsna, we cannot be consumed by the poisonous fruits of fame.

Cancala jivana-srota pravahiya, kaler sagare dhae - "This flickering life is slowly drifting away, flowing onward into the ocean of time. " [Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Sri Kalyana Kalpa-taru, part 3, song 4] With this knowledge it is necessary to become permanently attached to the Lord's service. Thus it is my duty to willingly and happily accept whatever pleases Krsna. If Krsna feels happy when neglecting me, which makes me sad, then it is to be welcomed by me.

Tomara sevaya, duhkha hoya jato, sei to' parama sukha - "All the troubles encountered in Your service shall be the cause of great happiness," [Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Saranagati, part 2, song 8] - that is Vaisnava realization, that you try to follow. When we free ourselves, by serving Krsna, of all anarthas, it brings about the everlastingly auspicious result for us. The former behavior of Bilvamangala Thakura, talking of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, quibbling of Prakasananda - all of these anarthas eventually turned into Krsna's service. Therefore do not mind your previous anarthas at all. The present anarthas will have no power, if you take advantage of the power of hearing and chanting. Our life lasts a few days only, therefore endeavor sincerely to serve the Lord before death comes. Following mahajanas is the only bridge leading to our good fortune.

Consider the verse aham tarisyami duranta-param - "I shall cross over the insurmountable ocean of nescience by being firmly fixed in the service of the lotus feet of Krsna. This was approved by the previous acaryas, who were fixed in firm devotion to the Lord, Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. " [SB 11. 23. 57] I have read your letter to Sri Bhaktivilasa Thakura, and he expressed his satisfaction.

As the result of my previous misbehavior, I am sometimes well and sometimes my state turns bad. When I think I am OK, then I lose my interest in Krsna, and consequently I consider myself better than devotees, whom I consider inferior. Thus Krsna, having judged my condition, keeps me in various kinds of distress, painful discomfort and problems. At that time I try to understand the meaning of the verse tat te 'nukampam - "My dear Lord, one who constantly waits for Your causeless mercy to be bestowed upon him and who goes on suffering the reactions of his past misdeeds, offering You respectful obeisances from the core of his heart, is surely eligible for liberation, for it has become his rightful claim. " [SB 10. 14. 8] People of the world, permanently maddened by pleasures independent of Krsna, want to quarrel with others. When I am busy serving Krsna, the whole world attacks me.

I hope you are well.

your ever well-wisher,
[nityasirbadok; literally "one who blesses eternally"]
Sri Siddhanta Sarasvati

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