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Takonin, Czech Republic
22 June 2004

Compare the nectar. . .

From the Anubhasya commentary of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
to Sri-Caitanya-caritamrta Adi-lila 10. 135-136

translated by Punya-palaka dasa (ISKCON Prague)

Caitanya-carita-mahakavya, canto 13, 89-109: In Puri, there lived one pure-hearted, compassionate great soul named Sikhi Mahiti. He was a genuine servant of Lord Jagannatha, the ornament of Nilacala. He had a younger brother named Murari Mahiti, and their younger sister was Madhavi-devi who had a pure intelligence. Both his dear younger brother and younger sister were attracted to Sri Gaurasundara. Their natural clear good intelligence never allowed them to forget Him. Krsna who had come on the surface of this earth recently as Vrndavana-candra and now in the form of Gaura-candra, made it a constant rule that this brother and sister felt a lot of auspicious love for Lord Gaura. They were exerting a great endeavor to make their elder brother, a loving servant of Jagannatha, the Lord of Puri, worship Sri Gaurasundara, but Sikhi Mahiti was not at all inclined to serve Lord Gaura.

Once, he fell asleep while thinking a lot about his younger relatives' suggestions. At the end of the night, he got startled--he saw in his dream how his brother and sister woke him up to bring him to see the lotus feet of Lord Gaura. When he saw this wonderful dream, he became both so thrilled and joyful that he was completely deranged by it. After he gradually opened his eyes, full of tears, he saw his younger brother and sister in front of him. Awaken, seeing the two great souls who had arrived, he embraced them in his ecstasy. All were amazed by the situation. Sikhi Mahiti began to narrate to them: "My dear brother, I had such a dream, please listen, it is very wonderful. The glory of Sri Saci-suta is so unlimited, only today have I become convinced of that. I saw how Gaurasundara, after taking darsana of the Lord of Nilacala, was repeatedly entering into Him and coming out of Him, and then again He was looking at Him--in this way He was extending His lila. How amazing! Even now I see the Supreme Lord Gaurasundara in that situation. Are my eyes deceiving me? Alas, when this Gaurasundara, an unlimited ocean of mercy, saw me coming near to Lord Jagannatha, He first called my name and then He embraced me with His long, noble, beautiful arms. "

Sikhi, thus extremely delighted, was shedding tears profusely and his voice was faltering with love. Having said all that, he emerged from his ecstatic state. Murari and Madhavi, his younger brother and sister, heard his descriptions, and they suggested to go for a darsana of Jagannatha, with the aim to see their Lord. All three of them then went together in agreement for the darsana of Nilacala-pati. Murari and Madhavi were shedding tears of bliss, when they saw Lord Caitanya in the Jagamohana kirtana hall, but their elder brother Sikhi Mahiti saw the Lord exactly as previously in his dream, he saw Him everywhere in that very mood, and love bloomed in his heart. Mahavadanya Mahaprabhu also told him, "You are the elder brother of Murari!" and He embraced him by His arms. With intelligence now fixed in the service of Lord Gaura, Sikhi Mahiti also felt great happiness. In this way, forgetting everything while perceiving the aroma of the lotus feet of Sri Gaura, Sikhi Mahiti made Him his worshippable Deity and began to serve Him.

From Srila Prabhupada's purport to the above C. c. verse:

In the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika, verse 189, it is said that Sikhi Mahiti was formerly an assistant of Srimati Radharani named Ragalekha. His sister Madhavi was also an assistant of Srimati Radharani and was named Kalakeli. Sikhi Mahiti, Madhavi and their brother Murari Mahiti were all unalloyed devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu who could not forget Him for a moment of their lives. There is a book in the Oriya language called Caitanya-carita-mahakavya in which there are many narrations about Sikhi Mahiti. One narration concerns his seeing an ecstatic dream.

Sikhi Mahiti always engaged in serving the Lord in his mind. One night, while he was rendering such service, he fell asleep, and while he was asleep his brother and sister came to awaken him. At that time he was in full ecstasy because he was having a wonderful dream that Lord Caitanya, while visiting the temple of Jagannatha, was entering and again coming out of the body of Jagannatha and looking at the Jagannatha Deity. Thus as soon as he awakened he embraced his brother and sister and informed them, "My dear brother and sister, I have had a wonderful dream that I shall now explain to you. The activities of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the son of Mother Saci, are certainly most wonderful. I saw that Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, while visiting the temple of Jagannatha, was entering the body of Jagannatha and again coming out of His body. I am still seeing the same dream. Do you think I have become deranged? I am still seeing the same dream! And the most wonderful thing is that as soon as I came near Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He embraced me with His long arms. " As he spoke to his brother and sister in this way, Sikhi Mahiti's voice faltered, and there were tears in his eyes. Thus the brothers and sister went to the temple of Jagannatha, and there they saw Lord Caitanya in Jagamohana, looking at the beauty of Sri Jagannatha Deity just as in Sikhi Mahiti's dream. The Lord was so magnanimous that immediately He embraced Sikhi Mahiti, exclaiming, "You are the elder brother of Murari!" Being thus embraced, Sikhi Mahiti felt ecstatic transcendental bliss. Thus he and his brother and sister always engaged in rendering service to the Lord. Murari Mahiti, the youngest brother of Sikhi Mahiti, is described in the Madhya-lila, Chapter 10, verse 44.

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