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Radhadesh, Belgium
5 June 2004

A Vaisnava is. . .

krpalu, akrta-droha, satya-sara, sama
nidosa, vadanya, mrdu, suci, akincana
sarvopakaraka, santa, krsnaika-sarana
akama, aniha, sthira, vijita-sad-guna
mita-bhuk, apramatta, manada, amani
gambhira, karuna, maitra, kavi, daksa, mauni

Devotees are always merciful, humble, truthful, equal to all, faultless,
magnanimous, mild and clean. They are without material possessions, and
they perform welfare work for everyone. They are peaceful, surrendered to
Krsna and desireless. They are indifferent to material acquisitions and
are fixed in devotional service. They completely control the six bad
qualities--lust, anger, greed and so forth. They eat only as much as
required, and they are not inebriated. They are respectful, grave,
compassionate and without false prestige. They are friendly, poetic,
expert and silent.

-- CC. Madhya 22. 78-80


"It is all in Krsna. You cannot find peace outside Krsna activities, outside Krsna consciousness. That is not possible. "

-- Lecture on Bhagavad-gita, 6. 13-15

Surrendered to Krsna

"I had immense opportunity to indulge in the four principles of sinful life because I was connected with a very aristocratic family. Krsna always saved me, and throughout my whole life I do not know what is illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating, or gambling. So far my present life is concerned, I do not remember any part of my life when I was forgetful of Krsna. "

-- Letter of June 21, 1970


"I have gone through variety of stages of life. So I have got full experience of this material world. I don't want it. That determination is there. Society, family, love, friendship, these nonsense, everything -- out! I have tasted. I am no more interested with this material world. "

-- Room conversation, Bombay, April 16, 1977

Indifferent to material acquisition

"Vaisnava means one who is able to sit down anywhere, under any conditions, and be happy. He wants only a place to lay down, a little prasadam, and if there is a little service he can do, Gladly let me do it for Krsna. ' That's all. "

-- Letter of July 8, 1972


"It is not very encouraging. Still, I am not a man to be disappointed. "

-- Letter of November 23, 1965

From Jaiva Dharma by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Now we request you, please be merciful and explain raganuga-bhakti to these two lowest of persons. "

The saintly babaji happily replied, "Lord Gauranga has accepted you two as His devotees. Therefore I cannot withhold anything from you. Please listen carefully, and I will explain raganuga-bhakti to you. Again and again I offer my respectful obeisances to Srila Rupa Gosvami, whom the Supreme Personality of Godhead rescued from the clutches of the yavanas and whom, at Prayaga-ksetra, the Lord taught the science of transcendental mellows. I surrender to the feet of Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, whom the merciful Supreme Personality of Godhead rescued from the abyss of material life, placed in the hand of Srila Svarupa Damodara Gosvami and gave the gift of all spiritual perfections.

"However, before I describe raganuga-bhakti, I shall first describe the nature of ragatmika-bhakti.

Vrajanatha: Please tell what the word 'raga' means. I wish to understand that first.

Babaji: Materialists fall in love with the objects of the material senses. This love may be called 'raga'. In this way the eyes become excited when they see beauty and other attractive qualities. In this way one is attracted to the material sense objects and the mind develops 'raga' or love for them. When that love (raga) is placed in Lord Krishna as its only object, that is called 'raga-bhakti'. Srila Rupa Gosvami explains that when love is focused on a single object of desire, that is called 'raga'. When this kind of love exists in devotional service, then the devotional service is called 'ragatmika-bhakti'. In brief, when there is a love-filled thirst to attain Lord Krishna, that is called ragatmika-bhakti. As long as this raga has not manifested itself, one is enjoined to follow vidhi-bhakti, following the rules and regulations of scripture. Awe, fear and faith are the three aspects of vaidhi-bhakti. An intense desire to meet Lord Krishna and associate with Him in His pastimes is the main feature of ragatamika-bhakti.

Vrajanatha: Who is qualified to perform raga-bhakti?

Babaji: A person whose faith rests in the rules of the scriptures is qualified to engage in vaidhi-bhakti. A person whose faith rests in an intense desire to attain Lord Krishna is qualified to engage in ragatmika-bhakti. Manifested according to their different rasas (relationships with Lord Krishna), Lord Krishna's personal associates in the spiritual world of Vraja with strong faith engage in ragatmika-bhakti. A person who has a strong desire to love Lord Krishna as the residents of Vraja in the spiritual world do, is qualified to engage in raganuga bhakti.

Vrajanatha: What are the qualities of this strong desire?

Babaji: One quality is that when one hears about the sweetness of the love and other emotions manifested by the residents of Vraja in the spiritual world, one yearns to go there. When a person qualified to engage in vaidhi-bhakti hears the descriptions of Lord Krishna, he calmly things about these descriptions, using his intelligence, logic, and the evidence of scripture. However, when a person following the path of raganuga-bhakti hears these descriptions, he does not carefully consider them in terms of intelligence, logic and scripture. Instead he is overcome with the desire to love Krishna as the residents of Vraja do.

Vrajanatha: What are the activities of raganuga-bhakti?

Babaji: The devotee engaged in raganuga-bhakti yearns to become one of the residents of Vraja in the spiritual world and there serve Lord Krishna directly. He always thinks of that desire. He likes to talk with other devotees about the pastimes of his beloved Krishna. He resides in Vraja, either with his external body, or within his thoughts. Yearning to attain the spiritual love that they possess, he becomes a follower of the people of Vraja. He always serves the Lord in two ways. Externally he performs sadhana-bhakti. Internally he thinks of his original spiritual form and in that form he serves the Lord.

Vrajanatha: What is the connection between raganuga-bhakti and the different limbs of vaidhi-bhakti?

Babaji: A person engaged in raganuga-bhakti also performs the different activities of sadhana-bhakti, such as hearing and chanting the glories of the Lord. However, within his heart he is a follower of the people of Vraja. In this way he tastes the nectar of always serving the Lord. At the same time he serves in this way within his heart, he engages in the activities of sadhana-bhakti with his external body.

Vrajanatha: How is raganuga-bhakti glorious?

Babaji: By engaging in raganuga-bhakti one quickly attains what takes a long time to attain by performing sadhana-bhakti. Vaidhi-bhakti is weak, but raganuga-bhakti is both independent and very powerful. By following in the footsteps of the people of Vraja, one attains raga. That raga naturally pushes one to engage in the devotional activities of hearing, chanting and remembering the Lord's glories, serving His lotus feet, bowing down before Him, and surrendering everything to Him. When the heart is free of the three material modes, one naturally desires to follow in the footsteps of the people of Vraja. Therefore the attraction to raganuga-bhakti, or the intense desire to attain raganuga-bhakti is the inspiration that pushes one to true spiritual life. As there are many different kinds of ragatmika-bhakti, so there are also many different kinds of raganuga-bhakti.

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