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Kolhapur, Maharastra, India
11 April 2004

We Visit the Mahalaksmi Temple, the Sesasayi Temple,
and I give the Sunday Feast Lecture
11 April


The Mahalaksmi Temple in Kolhapur is one of the most important Laksmi temples in India. The Deity is the consort of Lord Venkatesvara at Tirupati but She has come to Kolhapur to perform austerities. No pilgrimage to Tirupati is complete if it does not include a trip to Kolhapur to have darsana of Mahalaksmi.



There are many Deities within the Mahalaksmi temple complex. Here are Sri-Sri Radha-Krsna.

Photography of the Mahalaksmi Deity is not permitted. But we managed to get this shot from a far distance.


Laksmiji's huge ghee lamp towers. On festive occasions like Diwali, all these lamps will be alight at night.


Two years ago I did a 3-day program at this spot! Well, I can't say it was me alone...the wonderful Kolhapur devotees made it possible.


The Sesasayi Deity in Kolhapur. In In2-MeC of January 2003 I related the history of this most remarkable murti. At the Lord's head is His consort Lila-sakti; at His feet are His consorts Sri and Bhu Devis.


Sunday feast program in Kolhapur. There is no ISKCON temple in this city, so the devotees normally use a Radha-Krsna temple in town for this function. But today that temple had a function of its own. We held the feast in a hall made available by a nice woman. Full house!


After the Sunday feast Martanda, Rocana and I returned to the Mahalaksmi temple. We though we might get a nice photo of Her in the quieter hours of the evening, but it was simply not possible. Above is a photo of Sri Bharata Maharaja (Lord Ramacandra's brother) who has His own shrine in the Mahalaksmi compound. You'll notice a small photo on a green cloth to the left of the Deity's lotus feet. That is a photo of me!
Since I did the 3-day program here 2 years ago, this young brahmana priest who is in charge of the shrine for Sri Bharata has kept my picture here. I only discovered this tonight! He asked me to do arati for Sri Bharata and it was my honor to comply. Hare Krsna!

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