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ISKCON Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
12 March 2004

Weekly TV Preaching Reaches Hundreds of Thousands in Salem

Every Friday from 12:15 to 1:00 PM preachers from ISKCON Salem address a TV audience of several hundred thousands with Krsna conscious philosophy. Today I spoke in the TV studio, which is only a few minutes walk from the temple; Krsna dasa Prabhu translated my talk into Tamil. Twenty minutes of the total program time were left open for phoned-in questions and answers. The phone was ringing constantly throughout that period!


Temple manager Gokulacandra Prabhu accompanies myself and Krsna dasa Prabhu to our seats in the TV studio.

A studio technician sets up the microphones.



Here's what they saw in numerous homes, offices, hospitals, tea stalls and market shops in and around Salem--a total population bank of 3 million people.

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