
newly discovered entries of In2-DeepFreeze       First Generation Animations

New Delhi, India
9 December 2003

Sri Naradasya Radha-Krsnayor Vrndavane Darsana-purvaka-mahatmya-varnanam

Sri Narada Sees Sri Sri Radha-Krsna in Vrndavana, from Padma Purana

Texts 1 and 2

sri-devy uvaca

bhagavan sarva-bhutesa
    sarvatman sarva-sambhava
devesvara maha-deva
    sarvajna karuna-kara

    bhuyo 'py ahanukampaya
trailokya-mohana mantras
    tvaya me kathitah prabho

sri-devy uvaca - Goddess Parvati said; bhagavan - O Lord; sarva-bhutesa - O master of all living beings; sarvatman - O soul of all; sarva-sambhava - O creator of all; devesvara - O master of trhe deigods; maha-deva - O Siva; sarvajna - all knowing; karuna-kara - merciful; tvaya - by you; anukampita - an object of mercy; eva - indeed; aham - I; bhuyo - greatly; api - also; aha - said; anukampaya - kindly; trailokya-mohana - describing Lord Krsna, who enchants the three worlds; mantras - mantras; tvaya - by you; me - to me; kathitah - told; prabho - O Lord.

Goddess Parvati said: O merciful, all-knowing Lord Siva, O master of all living beings, O soul of all, O creator of all, O master of the demigods, you have very kindly described to me the mantras that glorify Lord Krsna, who enchants the three worlds.

Text 3

tena devena gopibhir
kena kena visesena
    cikride tad vadasva me

tena - by Him; devena - the Supreme Personality of Godhead; gopibhir - with the gopis; maha-mohana-rupina - with a very enchanting form; kena - by which; kena - by which?; visesena - specifically; cikride - enjoyed pastimes; tad - that; vadasva - please tell; me - me.

What pastimes did the Lord enjoy with the gopis? Please tell that to me.

Text 4

sri-mahadeva uvaca

ekada vadayan vinam
    narado muni-pungavah
krsnavataram ajnaya
    prayayau nanda-gokulam

sri-mahadeva uvaca - Lord Siva said; ekada - one day; vadayan - playing; vinam - the vina; narado - Narada; muni- pungavah - the best of sages; krsnavataram - the incarnation of Lord Krsna; ajnaya - knowing; prayayau - went; nanda-gokulam - to Nanda's Gokula.

Lord Siva said:

Aware that Lord Krsna had descended to the earth, Sri Narada, the best of sages, went one day, playing his vina, to Nanda's Gokula.

Text 5

gatva tatra maha-yoga-
    mayesam vibhum acyutam
bala-natya-dharam devam
    adraksin nanda-vesmani

gatva - going; tatra - there; maha-yoga-mayesam - the master of Yogamaya; vibhum - all-powerful; acyutam - infallible; bala - of a child; natya - a drama; dharam - manifesting; devam - the Supreme Personality of Godhead; adraksit - saw; nanda-vesmani - in nanda's home.

Arriving at Nanda's home, Narada saw there the all-powerful and infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the master of Yogamaya, and who was then acting the role of a tiny infant as an actor acts in a play.

Text 6

sayanam gopa-kanyabhih
    preksamanam sada muda

su-komala - very soft; pata - cloth; astirna - covered; hema - golden; paryankika - cradle; upari - over; sayanam - sleeping; gopa-kanyabhih - by the gopis; preksamanam - seen; sada - always; muda - happily.

Many gopis happily gazed at the infant Krsna as He slept in soft blankets in a golden cradle, . . .

Text 7

    mugdham mugdha-vilokanam

ativa - very; sukumara - delicate; angam - limbs; mugdham - xharming; mugdha-vilokanam - with charming eyes; visrasta - in disarray; nila - dark; kutila - curly; kuntalavali-mandalam - hair.

. . . Krsna whose limbs were very soft and delicate, who was charming, whose eyes were charming, whose curly black hairs were in disarray, . . .

Text 8

kincit smitankura-vyanjad-
sva-prabhabhir bhasayantam
    samantad bhavanodaram

kincit - somewhat; smita - of asmile; ankura - a sprout; vyanjad - manifesting; eka - one; dvi - or two; rada - teeth; kudmalam - bud; sva-prabhabhir - with His own splendor; bhasayantam - illuminating; samantad - completely; bhavanodaram - the room.

. . . from whose gentle smile came the buds of one or two teeth, and whose bodily splendor illuminated the entire room.

Text 9

dig-vasasam samalokya
    so 'ti-harsam avapa ha
sambhasya go-patim nandam
    aha sarva-parbhu-priyah

dis - with the directions; vasasam - garemnts; samalokya - seeing; so - he; ati-harsam - greay joy; avapa - attained; ha - indeed; sambhasya - speaking; go-patim - to the master of the cows; nandam - nanda; aha - said; sarva-parbhu-priyah - dear to the master of all.

Seeing infant Krsna, who was clothed only by the four directions, Narada, who was very dear to the Lord, spoke the following words to the gopa Nanda:

Text 10

narayana-paranam tu
    jivanam hy ati-durlabham
asya prabhavam atulam
    na janantiha kecana

narayana-paranam - of they who are devoted to Lord Narayana; tu - indeed; jivanam - life; hy - indeed; ati-durlabham - very rare; asya - of him; prabhavam - glory; atulam - peerless; na - not; jananti - know; iha - here; kecana - anyone.

The devotees of Lord Narayana are very rarely seen in this world. No one in this world can understand their true glory, which has no equal anywhere.

Text 11

brahma-bhavadayo 'py asmin
   ratim vanchanti sasvatim
caritam casya balasya
   sarvesam eva harsanam

brahma-bhavadayo - beginning with Brahma and Siva; api - also; asmin - for Him; ratim - love; vanchanti - desire; sasvatim - eternal; caritam - the pastimes; ca - also; asya - of this; balasya - boy; sarvesam - of all; eva - indeed; harsanam - delight.

Brahma, Siva, and all the demigods aspire to attain love and devotion for this boy. This boy's activities bring happiness to everyone.

Text 12

muda gayanti srnvanti
   cabhinandanti tadrsah
asmims tava sute 'cintya-
   prabhave snigdha-manasah

muda - happily; gayanti - sing; srnvanti - hear; ca - and; abhinandanti - offer prayers; tadrsah - like this; asmin - tp Him; tava - your; sute - son; acintya - inconceivable; prabhave - power and glory; snigdha-manasah - their hearts filled with love.

Happily and with great love in their hearts, the demigods sing songs glorifying your son, offer prayers to Him, and hear the descriptions of His glories. Your son's glory and power are beyond conception.

Text 13

narah santi na tesam vai
   bhava-badha bhavisyati
munceha para-lokecchah
   sarva ballava-sattama

narah - human beings; santi - are; na - not; tesam - of them; vai - indeed; bhava-badha - imprisoned in the material world; bhavisyati - will be; munca - free; iha - here; para- lokecchah - desiring the transcendental world; sarva - all; ballava- sattama - O best of the gopas.

They who hear and chant your son's glories do not remained imprisoned in the material world. O best of the gopas, you should renounce all material desires, either for this world or the next.

Text 14

    bale 'smin pritim acara
ity uktva nanda-bhavanan
    niskranto muni-pungavah

ekantenaika-bhavena - with undivided attention; bale - boy; asmin - for this; pritim - love; acara - do; ity - thus; uktva - saying; nanda-bhavanat - from Nanda's home; niskranto - departed; muni- pungavah - the best of sages.

You should give all your love to this boy.

After speaking these words, Narada, the best of sages, left Nanda's home.

Text 15

tenarcito visnu-buddhya
    pranamya ca visarjitah
athasau cintayam asa
    maha-bhagavato munih

tena - by him; arcito - worshiped; visnu-buddhya - with the conception of Lord Visnu; pranamya - bowing; ca - and; visarjitah - departed; atha - then; asau - he; cintayam asa - thought; maha-bhagavato - the great devotee; munih - the sage.

Nanda bowed down and worshiped Narada as if the sage were Lord Visnu Himself. After he had left the home, the great devotee sage Narada thought:

Text 16

asya kanta bhagavati
    laksmir narayane harau
vidhaya gopika-rupam
    kridartham sarnga-dhanvanah

asya - of Him; kanta - the beloved; bhagavati - the supreme goddess of fortune; laksmir - laksmi; narayane - Narayan; harau - Hari; vidhaya - placing; gopika-rupam - the form of a gopi; kridartham - for transcendental pastimes; sarnga-dhanvanah - with the holder of the Sarnga bow.

His beloved is the Supreme Godess of Fortune. She appeared as Laksmi when He appeared as Narayana, but now, to enjoy pastimes with Him, She has manifested Her original form as a gopi.

Text 17

avasyam avatirna sa
    bhavisyati na samsayah
tam aham vicinomy adya
    gehe gehe vrajaukasam

avasyam - inevtiably; avatirna - descended; sa - She; bhavisyati - will be; na - no; samsayah - doubt; tam - Her; aham - I; vicinomy - will find; adya - now; gehe - in home; gehe - after home; vrajaukasam - of they who have homes in Vraja.

When He descends to this world, She always comes with Him. Of this there is no doubt. I will search for Her in all the homes of Vraja until I find Her.

Text 18

vimrsyaivam muni-varo
    gehani vraja-vasinam
pravivesatithir bhutva
    visnu-buddhya su-pujitah

vimrsya - thinking; evam - in this way; muni-varo - the best of sages; gehani - the homes; vraja-vasinam - of the residents of Vraja; pravivesa - entered; atithir - a guest; bhutva - becoming; visnu- buddhya - with the idea of Lord Visnu; su-pujitah - worshiped.

Thinking in this way, the best of sages visited the homes of Vraja. Wherever he went he was worshiped as if he were Lord Visnu Himself.

Text 19

sarvesam ballavadinam
    ratim nanda-sute param
drstva muni-varah sarvan
    manasa prananama ha

sarvesam - of all; ballavadinam - beginning with the gopas; ratim - love; nanda-sute - for the son of Nanda; param - great; drstva - seeing; muni-varah - the best of sages; sarvan - all; manasa - in his mind; prananama - bowed down; ha - indeed.

Within his mind, Narada bowed down before all of them, for he saw that all the gopas and everyone else in Vraja had great love for Nanda's son.

Text 20

gopalanam grhe balam
    dadarsa sveta-rupinim
sa drstva tarkayam asa
    rama hy esa na samsayah

gopalanam - of the gopas; grhe - in the home; balam - child; dadarsa - saw; sveta-rupinim - with a white form; sa - he; drstva - seeing; tarkayam asa - guessed; rama - the goddess of fortune; hy - indeed; esa - She; na - no; samsayah - doubt.

When he saw a beautiful and very fair infant girl in one gopa's home, Narada could understand that this infant must be the goddess of fortune. Of this he had no doubt.

Text 21

pravivesa tato dhiman
    nanda-sakhyur mahatmanah
kasyacid gopa-varyasya
    bhanu-namno grham mahat

pravivesa - entered; tato - then; dhiman - intelligent; nanda- sakhyur - of Nanda's friend; mahatmanah - the great soul; kasyacid - of someone; gopa-varyasya - the best of gopas; bhanu-namno - named Bhanu; grham - the home; mahat - great.

Then learned and intelligent Narada entered the great palace of one of Nanda's friends, a noble-hearted gopa named Bhanu.

Text 22

arcito vidhivat tena
    so 'py aprcchan maha-manah
sadho tvam asi vikhyato
    dharma-nisthataya bhuvi

arcito - worshiped; vidhivat - properly; tena - by him; so - he; api - also; aprcchat - asked; maha-manah - noble-hearted; sadho - O saintly one; tvam - you; asi - are; vikhyato - famous; dharma- nisthataya - for faith in religion; bhuvi - in the world.

After properly worshiping him, noble-hearted Bhanu asked Narada: O saintly one, in this world you are famous as a very religious person.

Text 23

tavaham dhana-dhanyadi-
    samrddhim samvibhavaye
kaccit te yogyah putro 'sti
    kanya va subha-laksana

tava - of you; aham - I; dhana - wealth; dhanya - good fortune; adi - beginning with; samrddhim - opulence; samvibhavaye - I am opulent; kaccit - somehow; te - of you; yogyah - worthy; putro - son; asti - is; kanya - daughter; va - or; subha-laksana - beautiful and virtuous.

By your grace I have wealth and many opuences. By your grace I have a worthy son and a beautiful and virtuous daughter.

Text 24

yatas te kirtir akhilam
    lokam vyapya bhavisyati
ity ukto muni-varyena
    bhanur aniya putrakam

yatas - because; te - of you; kirtir - the fame; akhilam - all; lokam - the world; vyapya - pervading; bhavisyati - will be; ity - thus; ukto - saying; muni-varyena - by the great sage; bhanur - Bhanu; aniya - brought; putrakam - to the son.

This is so because Your fame is spread throughout the entire world.

After speaking these words, Bhanu brought Narada to the son.

Text 25

maha-tejasvinam drptam
drstva muni-varas tam tu
    rupenapratimam bhuvi

maha-tejasvinam - very effulgent and powerful; drptam - glorious; naradaya - to Narada; abhyavadayat - greeted with respect; drstva - seeing; muni-varas - the great sage; tam - him; tu - indeed; rupena - with with form; apratimam - without equal; bhuvi - in the world.

When he saw him, Narada offered respectful obeuisances to that glorious and powerful boy, who was handsome without equal in this world.

Text 26

    sugrivam sundara-bhruvam
caru-dantam caru-karnam

padma - lotus; patra - petal; visala - large; aksam - eyes; sugrivam - handsome neck; sundara-bhruvam - handsome eyebrows; caru - beautiful; dantam - teeth; caru - handsome; karnam - ears; sarvavayava-sundaram - with all limbs handsome.

His eyes were lotus petals. His neck, eyebrows, teeth, ears, and all his limbs were graceful and handsome.

Text 27

tam samaslisya bahubhyam
    snehasruni vimucya ca
tatah sa-gadgadam praha
    pranayena maha-munih

tam - him; samaslisya - embracing; bahubhyam - with both arms; sneha - of affection; asruni - tears; vimucya - relesing; ca - and; tatah - then; sa-gadgadam - with a faltering voice; praha - spoke; pranayena - with love; maha-munih - the great sage.

Shedding tears of love as he embraced him with both arms, the great sage spoke affectionate words in a faltering voice.

Text 28

sri-narada uvaca

ayam sisus te bhavita
    su-sakha rama-krsnayoh
viharisyati tabhyam ca
    ratrin-divam atandritah

sri-narada uvaca - Sri Narada said; ayam - this; sisus - boy; te - of yours; bhavita - will be; su-sakha - a close friend; rama - of Balarama; krsnayoh - and Krsna; viharisyati - will enjoy pastimes; tabhyam - with Them; ca - and; ratrin-divam - day and night; atandritah - without fatigue.

Sri Narada said: Your boy will be a close fried of Krsna and Balarama. Without becoming fatingued, he will enjoy pastimes with Them day and night.

Text 29

tata abhasya tam gopa-
    pravaram muni-pungavah
yada gantum manas cakre
    tatraivam bhanur abravit

tatas - then; abhasya - speaking; tam - to him; gopa - of gopas; pravaram - the best; muni-pungavah - the great sage; yada - when; gantum - to go; manas - the mind; cakre - does; tatra - there; evam - thus; bhanur - Bhanu; abravit - said.

Narada spoke to that exalted cowherd boy for some time. When in his heart Narada decided to leave, Bhanu said to him:

Text 30

ekasti putrika deva
    deva-patny-upama mama
kaniyasi sisor asya

eka - one; asti - is; putrika - daughter; deva - O lord; deva-patny- upama - like a demigoddess; mama - of me; kaniyasi - younger; sisor - boy; asya - than this; jada - mute; andha - blind; badhira - deaf; akrtih - form.

O lord, I also have a daughter beautiful like a demigoddess. She is younger than this boy. She is blind, deaf, and mute.

Text 31

utsahad vrddhaye yace
    tvam varam bhagavattama
    su-sthiram kuru balikam

utsahad - eagerly; vrddhaye - to increase; yace - I beg; tvam - you; varam - boon; bhagavattama - O most exalted one; prasanna - easily; drsti - sight; matrena - only; su-sthiram - steady; kuru - please make; balikam - the girl.

O most exalted one, I earnestly beg this boon from you: Please cure this girl. At least give Her the power to see.

Text 32

srutvaivam narado vakyam
atha pravisya bhavanam
    luthantim bhu-tale sutam

srutva - hearing; evam - thus; narado - Narada; vakyam - words; kautuka - by curiosty; akrsta - attracted; manasah - the mind; atha - then; pravisya - entering; bhavanam - the room; luthantim - rolling about; bhu-tale - on the floor; sutam - the girl.

Hearing these words, Narada became curious. Entering the room, he saw the girl rolling about on the floor.

Text 33

utthapyanke nidhayati-
bhanur apy ayayau bhakti-
    namro muni-varantikam

utthapya - placing; anke - on the lap; nidhaya - placing; ati - great; sneha - with affection; vihvala - overwhelmed; manasah - heart; bhanur - Bhanu; apy - also; ayayau - came; bhakti - with devotion; namro - bowing; muni-varantikam - to the great sage.

Picking up the infant girl, Narada placed Her on his lap. His heart was overcome with spiritual love. Then Bhanu approached and devotedly bowed down before the sage.

Text 34

atha bhagavata-sresthah
    krsnasyati-priyo munih
drstva tasyah param rupam
    adrstasrutam adbhutam

atha - then; bhagavata-sresthah - the best devotee; krsnasya - to Lord Krsna; ati-priyo - very dear; munih - the sage; drstva - seeing; tasyah - of Her; param - transcendental; rupam - beauty; adrsta - unseen; asrutam - unheard; adbhutam - wonderful.

Then Narada Muni, who is a great devotee and who is very dear to Lord Krsna, gazed at the wonderful transcendental beauty of that infant girl, a beauty that had never been seen or heard of before.

Text 35

abhut purva-samam mugdho
    hari-prema maha-munih
vigahya paramananda-
    snigdham eka-rasayanam

abhut - was; purva - previously; samam - equal; mugdho - bewildered; hari-prema - love for Lord Krsna; maha-munih - the great sage; vigahya - plunging; parama - transcendental; ananda - bliss; snigdham - and love; eka-rasayanam - nectar.

Overcome with love for Lord Krsna, the great sage Narada became plunged in the nectar of transcendental bliss.

Text 36

muhurta-dvitayam tatra
    munir asic chilopamah
munindrah pratibuddhas tu
    sanair unmilya locane

muhurta-dvitayam - two muhurtas; tatra - there; munir - the sage; asit - was; silopamah - like a stone; munindrah - th king of sages; pratibuddhas - conscious; tu - indeed; sanair - gradully; unmilya - opening; locane - eyes.

For almost two hours Narada was stunned and motionless. He was like a stone statue. Gradually he became conscious again and slowly opened his eyes.

Text 37

maha-vismayam apannas
    tusnim eva sthito 'bhavat
antar hrdi maha-buddhir
    evam eva vyacintayat

maha - great; vismayam - wonder; apannas - attained; tusnim - silence; eva - indeed; sthito - situated; abhavat - was; antar - within; hrdi - the heart; maha-buddhir - very intelligent; evam - thus; eva - indeed; vyacintayat - thought.

Silent and filled with wonder, intelligent Narada thought within his heart:

Text 38

bhrantam sarvesu lokesu
    maya svacchanda-carina
asya rupena sadrsi
    drsta naiva ca kutracit

bhrantam - wandered; sarvesu - in all; lokesu - worlds; maya - by me; svacchanda-carina - moving as I wish; asyas - of Her; rupena - with the beauty; sadrsi - like this; drsta - seen; na - not; eva - indeed; ca - and; kutracit - anywhere.

I have wandered through all the worlds, going wherever I wish. Still, I have never seen any girl beautiful like Her.

Text 39

brahmaloke rudraloka
    indraloke ca me gatih
na ko 'pi sobha-koty-amsah
    kuytrapy asya vilokitah

brahmaloke - in Brahmaloka; rudraloka - in Rudraloka; indraloke - in Indraloka; ca - and; me - of me; gatih - going; na - not; ko 'pi - anything; sobha - of beuaty; koty - a tne millionth; amsah - part; kutrapy - anywhere; asyas - of Her; vilokitah - seen.

Traveling in Brahmaloka, Rudraloka, and Indraloka, I have not seen even a ten-millionth part of Her beauty.

Text 40

maha-maya bhagavati
    drsta sailendra-nandini
yasya rupena sakalam
    muhyate sa-caracaram

maha-maya - Maha-maya; bhagavati - the goddess; drsta - seen; sailendra-nandini - the daughter of the Himalayas; yasyas - of whom; rupena - with the beauty; sakalam - all; muhyate - is bewildered; sa-caracaram - moving and unmoving beings.

I have seen Goddess Maha-maya, who is the daughter of the king of the Himalayas and whose beauty enchants all moving and unmoving beings.

Text 41

sapy asyah sukumarangi-
    laksmim napnoti karhicit
laksmih sarasvati kanti-
    vidyadyas ca vara-striyah

sa - she; apy - also; asyah - of Her; sukumarangi - delicate limbs; laksmim - beauty; na - not; apnoti - attains; karhicit - at all; laksmih - Lakmsi; sarasvati - Sarasvati; kanti - Kanti; vidya - Vidya; adyas - beginnign with; ca - and; vara-striyah - beautiful women.

Neither Laksmi, Sarasvati, Kanti, Vidya, nor any other beautiful woman has anything like the beauty of this girl's delicate limbs.

Text 42

chayam api sprsanty asyah
    kadacin naiva drsyate
visnor yan-mohini-rupam
    haro yena vimohitah

chayam - shadow; api - even; sprsanty - touch; asyah - of Her; kadacit - ever; na - not; eva - indeed; drsyate - is seen; visnor - of Lord Visnu; yat - of whom; mohini-rupam - the form of Mohini; haro - Siva; yena - by which; vimohitah - was bewildered.

These girls cannot even touch Her shadow. Her beauty has never been seen before. Even Lord Visnu in His form as Mohini, a form that bewildered even the demigod Siva, isn t as beautiful as Her.

Text 43

maya drstam ca tad api
    kuto 'syah sadrsam bhavet
tato 'syas tattvam ajnatum
    na me saktih kathancana

maya - by me; drstam - seen; ca - and; tad api - still; kuto - where?; asyah - of Her; sadrsam - the like; bhavet - may be; tato - then; asyas - of HJer; tattvam - the truth; ajnatum - to understand; na - not; me - of me; saktih - the power; kathancana - at all.

Still, I have seen Her. Where is anyone beautiful like Her? I have not the slightest power to understand Her.

Text 44

anye capi na jananti
    prayenainam hareh priyam
asyah sandarsanad eva

anye - others; ca - and; api - also; na - not; jananti - understand; prayena - generally; enam - Her; hareh - of Lord Krsna; priyam - beloved; asyah - of Her; sandarsanad - by the sight; eva - indeed; govinda-caranambuje - at Lord Krsna's lotus feet.

Then others certainly cannot understand Her either, this girl who is so dear to Lord Hari. Even when they see Her at Lord Govinda's lotus feet they still cannot understand Her.

Text 45

ya premarddhir abhut sa me
    bhuta-purvena karhicit
ekante naumi bhavatim

ya - which; prema - of love; rddhir - increase; abhut - was; sa - that; me - of me; bhuta-purvena - previously; karhicit - sometime; ekante - one; naumi - I praise; bhavatim - You; darsayitva - seeing; ati- vaibhavam - great glory.

Because of past pious deeds I was somehow eligible to feel this spiritual love. Seeing You, O goddess, I praise Your glories.

Text 46

krsnasya sambhavaty asya
    rupam parama-tustaye
vimrsyaivam munir gopa-
    pravaram presya kutracit

krsnasya - of Lord Krsna; sambhavaty - is; asya - of Her; rupam - the form; parama-tustaye - for the great pleasure; vimrsya - thinking; evam - thus; munir - the sage; gopa - of gopas; pravaram - to the best; presya - sending; kutracit - somewhere.

She manifests this form to bring great pleasure to Lord Krsna.

Thinking in this way, Narada Muni sent the exalted gopa Bhanu to another place.

Text 47

nibhrte paritustava
    balikam divya-rupinim
api devi maha-yoga-
    mayesvari maha-prabhe

nibhrte - in a secluded place; paritustava - offered prayers; balikam - to the infant girl; divya-rupinim - with the splendid transcendental form; api - also; devi - O Goddess; maha-yoga-mayesvari - O controller of Maha-yogamaya; maha-prabhe - O glorious one.

Now alone in that place, Narada offered prayers to the infant girl, whose transcendental form was filled with glory. He said: O goddess, O most glorious controller of Maha-yogamaya, . . .

Text 48


maha-mohana-divyangi - whose limbs arew charming and spolendid; maha-madhurya-varsini - who are a shower of transcendental sweetness; mahadbhuta - great wonder; rasa - of nectar; ananda - bliss; asathili-krta - overcome; manase - heart.

. . . O goddess whose splendid limbs are enchanting, O shower of transcendental sweetness, O Goddess whose heart is filled with the most wonderful nectarean bliss, . . .

Text 49

maha-bhagyena kenapi
    gatasi mama drk-patham
nityam antar-mukha drstis
    tava devi vibhavyate

maha-bhagyena - by great good fortune; kenapi - somehwow; gata - gone; asi - You are; mama - of me; drk-patham - on the pathway of the eyes; nityam - always; antar-mukha - within; drstis - sight; tava - of You; devi - O goddess; vibhavyate - is considered.

. . . somehow I have become very fortunate and You are now walking on the pathway of my eyes. May I always see You within my heart.

Text 50

antar eva mahananda-
    paritrptaiva laksyase
prasannam madhuram saumyam
    idam sumukha-mandanam

antar - within; eva - indeed; mahananda - great bliss; paritrpta - pleased; eva - indeed; laksyase - is seen; prasannam - happy; madhuram - sweet; saumyam - gentle; idam - this; sumukha-mandanam - the ornament of favorable persons.

Within my heart I see that You are filled with bliss. I see You decorated with virtues, with happiness, sweetness, and gentleness.

Text 51

vyanakti paramascaryam
    kam apy antah sukhodayam
    saktis tattvati-sobhane

vyanakti - manifests; paramascaryam - great wonder; kam apy - something; antah - within; sukhodayam - the manifestation fo happiness; rajah - pollen; sambandhi - in relation to; kalika - of a bud; saktis - power; tattva-truth; ati-sobhane - ijn great beauty.

A great wonder of transcendental bliss has now entered my heart. It is like a bud that has the power to bring glorious pollen.

Text 52

    rupini tvam adhisthita
tat tvam visuddha-sattvasu-
    sakti-vidyatmika para

srsti - creation; sthiti - maintenance; samahara - and destruction; rupini - in the form of; tvam - You; adhisthita - the controller; tat - that; tvam - You; visuddha-sattva - transcendental goodness; asu - quickly; sakti - potency; vidya - knowledge; atmika - self; para - transcendental.

You are the creator, maintainer, and destroyer of the worlds. You are transcendental goodness and transcendental knowledge.

Text 53

    dadhati vaisnavam param
ka tvayascarya-vibhave

paramananda-sandoham - great transcendental bliss; dadhati - gives; vaisnavam - Vaisnava; param - transcendental; ka - indeed; tvaya - by You; ascarya - wonderful; vibhave - power and glory; brahma-rudradi-durgame - difficult for Brahma, Siva, and the demigods to attain.

Your power is wonderful. You bring great transcendental bliss to the devotees. Even Brahma, Siva, and the demigods cannot attain You.

Text 54

yogindranam dhyana-patham
    na tvam sprsasi karhicit
iccha-saktir jnana-saktih
    kriya-saktis tvayesituh

yogindranam - of the kings of the yogis; dhyana-patham - the path of meditation; na - not; tvam - You; sprsasi - touch; karhicit - ever; iccha-saktir - the potency of desire; jnana-saktih - the potency of knowledge; kriya-saktis - the potency of action; tvaya - bby You; isituh - the controller.

You never touch the path of meditation traversed by the kings of the yogis. You control the potencies of desire, knowledge, and action.

Text 55

tavamsa-matram ity evam
    manisa me pravartate
maya-vibhutayo 'cintyas

tava - of You; amsa - a part; matram - only; ity - thus; evam - thus; manisa - considering; me - of me; pravartate - does; maya- vibhutayo - the potencies; acintyas - inconceivable; tan- mayarbhaka - an ordinary child; mayinah - creating the illusion.

All these potencies are parts and parecls of You. That is what I think. Your inconceivable mystic powers create the illusion that You are only an ordinary child.

Text 56

paresasya maha-visnos
    tah sarvas te kala-kalah
ananda-rupini saktis
    tvam isvari na samsayah

paresasya - of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; maha- visnos - Lord Maha-Visnu; tah - they; sarvas - all; te - of You; kala- kalah - parts of the parts; ananda - of bliss; rupini - the form; saktis - potency; tvam - You; isvari - the Goddess; na - no; samsayah - doubt.

You are the blissful supreme Goddess, the original potency of Lord Maha-Visnu. All other goddesses are part and parcel of You. Of this there is no doubt.

Text 57

tvaya ca kridate krsno
    nunam vrndavane vane
kaumarenaiva rupena
    tvam visvasya ca mohini

tvaya - with You; ca - and; kridate - enjoys pastimes; krsno - Lord Krsna; nunam - indeed; vrndavane - in Vrndavana; vane - forest; kaumarena - with a youthful; eva - indeed; rupena - form; tvam - You; visvasya - of the universes; ca - and; mohini - enchanting.

Lord Krsna enjoys pastimes with You in Vrndavana forest. Your youthful form is the most charming in the entire world.

Text 58

    kidrk te rupam adbhutam
kidrsam tava lavanyam

tarunya-vaya - by youth; samsprstam - touched; kidrk - like what?; te - of You; rupam - the form; adbhutam - wonderful; kidrsam - like what?; tava - of You; lavanyam - the beauty; lila - playful; hasa - laughter and joking; iksana - eyes; anvitam - with.

What is Your form like? It is embraced by youthfulness. What is Your beauty like? It has playful, smiling glances.

Text 59

    vapur ascarya-manditam
drastum tad aham icchami
    rupam te hari-vallabhe

hari - of Lord Krsna; manusa - human; lobhena - with desire; vapur - form; ascarya-manditam - decorated with wonder; drastum - to see; tad - that; aham - I ; icchami - wish; rupam - form; te - of You; hari- vallabhe - dear to Lord Krsna.

O beloved of Lord Hari, I wish to see the wonderfully decorated form in which You enjoy humanlike pastimes with Lord Hari.

Text 60

yena nanda-sutah krsno
    moham samupayasyati
idanim mama karunyan
    nijam rupam mahesvari
pranataya prapannaya
    prakasayitum arhasi

yena - by whom; nanda-sutah - the son of Nanda; krsno - Krsna; moham - bewilderment; samupayasyati - will attain; idanim - now; mama - of me; karunyat - because of mercy; nijam - own; rupam - form; mahesvari - O great goddess; pranataya - bowing down; prapannaya - surrendered; prakasayitum - to show; arhasi - You deserve.

O great goddess, out of kindness to me please show to this surrendered soul bowing down before You the form that Nanda's son, Lord Krsna, finds so enchanting.

Text 61

ity ukta muni-varyena
maha-mahesvarim natva
    mahananda-mayim param

ity - thus; ukta - addressed; muni-varyena - by the great sage; tad-anuvrata-cetasa - his heart filled with devotion; maha- mahesvarim - to the great goddess; natva - bowing; mahananda- mayim - filled with transcendental bliss; param - transcendental.

After speaking these words, the great sage, his heart filled with devotion, bowed down before the blissful Supreme Goddess.

Text 62

    vyakulangim subheksanam
iksamanena govindam
    evam varnayatasthitam

maha-prematarotkantham - filled with the longings of transcendental love; vyakulangim - agitated limbs; subheksanam - beautiful eyes; iksamanena - seeing; govindam - Lord Krsna; evam - thus; varnayata - describing; asthitam - situated.

Seeing that the beautiful-eyed Goddess was overwhelmed with love for Lord Krsna, the great sage began to describe the Lord.

Text 63

jaya krsna mano-harin
    jaya vrndavana-priya
jaya bhru-bhanga-lalita
    jaya venu-ravakula

jaya - glory; krsna - O Krsna; mano-harin - charming to the heart; jaya - glory; vrndavana-priya - dear to Vrndavana; jaya - glory; bhru- bhanga-lalita - with graceful and playful bent eyebrows; jaya - glory; venu-ravakula - who plays the flute.

Glory to You, O Lord Krsna, who charm the heart! Glory to You, who are dear to Vrndavana! Glory to You, whose greaceful eyebrows are playfully arched! Glory to You, who sweetly play the flute!

Text 64

jaya barha-krtottamsa
    jaya gopi-vimohana
jaya kunkuma-liptanga
    jaya ratna-vibhusana

jaya - glory; barha-krtottamsa - with a peaceock-feather crown; jaya - glory; gopi-vimohana - enchanting the gopis; jaya - glory; kunkuma - with kunkuma; lipta - anointed; anga - limbs; jaya - glory; ratna-vibhusana - decorated with jewel ornaments.

Glory to You, decorated with a peacock-feather crown! Glory to You, who enchant the gopis! Glory to You, whose limbs are anointed with kunkuma! Glory to You, decorated with jewel ornaments!

Texts 65 and 66

kadaham tvat-prasadena
    anaya divya-rupaya
sahitam nava-tarunya-
vilokayisye kaisore
    mohanam tvam jagat-pate

kada - when?; aham - I; tvat-prasadena - by Your mercy; anaya - Her; divya-rupaya - with a splendid transcendental form; sahitam - with; nava-tarunya - new youthfulness; mano-hari - charming the heart; vapuh - of the form; sriya - with the handsomeness and glory; vilokayisye - I will see; kaisore - in youth; mohanam - charm; tvam - You; jagat-pate - O master of the universes.

When, O Lord of the universes, by Your mercy will I see Your charming youthful form with this splendid goddess by Your side?

Text 67

evam kirtayatas tasya
    tat-ksanad eva sa punah
babhuva dadhati divyam
    rupam atyanta-mohanam

evam - thus; kirtayatas - chanting the glories; tasya - of Him; tat-ksanad - in a moment; eva - indeed; sa - He; punah - again; babhuva - was; dadhati - giving; divyam - splendid; rupam - form; atyanta-mohanam - very charming.

Being praised in this way, Lord Krsna suddenly manifested His very charming and splendid transcendental form.

Texts 68 and 69

    sammitam lalitam param
samana-vayasas canyas
    tadaiva vraja-balikah

agatya vestayam asur
munindrah sa tu niscesto

caturdasa - 14; abda - years; vayasa - age; sammitam - with; lalitam - graceful; param - transcendental; samana-vayasas - the same age; ca - and; anyas - other; tada - then; eva - indeed; vraja- balikah - girls of Vraja; agatya - approaching; vestayam asur - surrounded; divya-bhusambara-srajah - with splenidd garments, ornaments, and flower garlands; munindrah - the king of sages; sa - he; tu - indeed; niscesto - stunned; babhuva - was; ascarya - with wonder; mohitah - overcome.

Very charming and graceful, Lord Krsna was fourteen years old. He was surrounded by many girls of Vraja, all the same age as He, and all decorated with splendid garments, ornaments, and flower garlands. Seeing this, Narada, the king of sages, became unconscious. He was stunned with wonder.

Text 70

balayas tas tada sakhyas
    caranambu-kanair munim
nisicya bodhayam asur
    ucus ca krpayanvitah

balayas - of the girl; tas - they; tada - then; sakhyas - friends; carana - of the feet; ambu - of water; kanair - with drops; munim - the sage; nisicya - sprinkling; bodhayam asur - brought back to consciousness; ucus - said; ca - and; krpaya - mercy; anvitah - with.

Sprinkling on him some drops of water that had touched their feet, these girls, all friends of the girl Radha, mercifully brought the sage back to consciousness and said to him:

Texts 71-74

muni-varya maha-bhaga
tvayaiva paraya bhaktya
    bhagavan harir isvarah

nunam aradhito devo
    bhaktanam kama-purakah
yad iyam brahma-rudradyair
    devaih siddha-munisvaraih

maha-bhagavatais canyair
    durdasa durgamapi ca
    mohini hari-vallabha

kenapy acintya-bhagyena
    tava drsti-patham gata
uttisthottistha viprarse
    dhairyam alambya sa-tvaram

muni-varya - O best of sages; maha-bhaga - O foretunate one; maha-yogesvaresvara - O king of the kings of yoga; tvaya - by you; eva - indeed; paraya - with great; bhaktya - brahmana; bhagavan - the Supreme Personality of Godhead; harir - Lord Hari; isvarah - the supreme controller; nunam - indeed; aradhito - worshiped; devo - th Lord; bhaktanam - of the devotees; kama-purakah - fulfilling the desires; yad - what; iyam - this; brahma-rudradyair - headed by Brahma and Siva; devaih - by the demigods; siddha-munisvaraih; - by the siddhas and the kings of the sages; maha-bhagavatais - by great devotees; ca - and; anyair - others; durdasa - difficult to see; durgama - difficult to approach; api - also; ca - and; aty-adbhuta-vayo- rupa-mohini - charnming with wonderful youthful beauty; hari- vallabha - Lord Krsna's beloved; kenapy - by some; acintya- bhagyena - inconceivable good fortune; tava - of You; drsti-patham - the path of the eyes; gata - attained; uttistha - rise; uttistha - rise; viprarse - O brahmana sage; dhairyam - consciousness; alambya - attaining; sa-tvaram - quickly.

O very fortunate best of sages, O king of the kings of yoga, with great devotion you have worshiped Lord Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who fufills His devotees' desires. By your inconceivable good fortune, Lord Hari's beloved, whose youthful beauty is very wonderful and enchanting, and whom even Brahma, Siva, the demigods, the siddhas, the kings of the sages, the great devotees, and many other exalted souls cannot approach or see, now walks on the pathway of Your eyes. O great brahmana sage, please become conscious at once. Stand up! Stand up!

Text 75

enam pradaksini-krtya
    namaskuru punah punah
kim na pasyasi carv-angim
    atyanta-vyakulam iva

enam - Her; pradaksini-krtya - circumambulating; namaskuru - offer obeisances; punah - again; punah - and again; kim - why?; na - not; pasyasi - you see; carv-angim - beautiful limbs; atyanta- vyakulam - very agitated; iva - like.

You should circumambulate Sri Radha and bow down before Her again and again. Why do you not gaze upon beautiful and agitated Radha?

Text 76

asminn eva ksane nunam
    antardhanam gamisyati
nanaya saha samlapah
    kathancit te bhavisyati

asmin - in this; eva - indeed; ksane - in a moment; nunam - indeed; antardhanam - disappearance; gamisyati - will be; na - not; anaya - Her; saha - with; samlapah - conversation; kathancit - somehow; te - of you; bhavisyati - will be.

In a moment She will disappear. Then you will no longer be able to speak with Her.

Text 77

darsanam ca punar nasyah
    prapsyasi brahma-vittama
kintu vrndavane kapi
    bhaty asoka-lata subha

darsanam - the sight; ca - and; punar - again; na - not; asyah - of Her; prapsyasi - you will attain; brahma-vittama - O best of the knowers of Brahman; kintu - however; vrndavane - in Vrndavana; kapi - a certain; bhaty - is; asoka-lata - an asoka vine; subha - beautiful.

O best of they who know the Supreme, then you will not see Her again. Still, in Vrndavana forest there is a beautiful asoka vine.

Text 78

sarva-kale 'pi puspadhya
govardhanad adurena

sarva-kale - at all times; api - evebn; puspadhya - rich with flowers; sarva-dig-vyapi-saurabha - with a sweet fragrance that fills all the directions; govardhanad - from Govardhana; adurena - not far; kusumakhya-saras-tate - on the shore of the lake named Kusuma-sarovara.

That vine grows on the lake of Kusuma-sarovara lake, which is not far from Govardhana Hill. Its sweet fragrance filling all directions, that vine is always rich with many flowers.

Texts 79 and 80

tan-mule hy ardha-ratre ca
    draksyasy asman asesatah
srutvaivam vacanam tasam

yavat pradaksini-krtya
    pranamed dandavan munih
muhurta-dvitayam balam

tan-mule - at the root of that vine; hy - indeed; ardha-ratre - in the middle of the night; ca - and; draksyasy - you will see; asman - them; asesatah - completely; srutva - hearing; evam - thus; vacanam - words; tasam - of them; sneha-vihvala-cetasam - their hearts overcome with affection; yavat - as long as; pradaksini- krtya - circumambulating; pranamed - offers obeisances; dandavat - dandavat; munih - the sage; muhurta-dvitayam - for almost two hours; balam - to the girl; nana-nirmana-sobhanam - beautiful in many ways.

Under that vine, in the middle of the night, you will see all this again.

Hearing these words from the affectionate gopis, Narada spent the next almost two hours circumambulating and offering dandavat obeisances to the beautiful girl Sri Radha.

Text 81

ahuya bhanum provaca
    naradah sarva-sobhana
evam prabhava baleyam
    na sadhya daivatair api

ahuya - calling; bhanum - Bhanu; provaca - said; naradah - Narada; sarva-sobhana - all beautiful; evam - thus; prabhava - glorious; bala - girl; iyam - this; na - not; sadhya - attainable; daivatair - by the demigods; api - even.

Calling Bhanu, Narada said: Even the great demigods cannot approach your beautiful and glorious daughter.

Text 82

kintu yad-grham etasyah
tatra narayano devah
    svayam vasati madhavah
laksmis ca vasate nityam
    sarvabhih sarva-siddhibhih

kintu - however; yad-grham - in whose home; etasyah - of Her; pada- cihna-vibhusitam - decorated with the footprints; tatra - there; narayano devah - Lord Narayana; svayam - Himself; vasati - resides; madhavah - the husband of the goddess of fortune; laksmis - the goddess of fortune; ca - and; vasate - resides; nityam - always; sarvabhih - with all; sarva-siddhibhih - perfections.

Lord Narayana, the husband of the goddess of fortune, resides in any home decorated with your daughter's footprints. Accompanied by all mystic perfections, the goddess of fortune also resides always in that home.

Text 83

adya enam vararoham
devim iva param gehe
    raksa yatnena sattama

adya - now; enam - Her; vararoham - the girl with beautiful thighs; sarvabharana-bhusanam - decorated with all ornaments; devim - goddess; iva - like; param - great; gehe - at home; raksa - protect; yatnena - with care; sattama - O great one.

O great one, therefore please carefully protect your daughter, who is beautiful like a goddess and who is decorated with all ornaments.

Texts 84 and 85

ity uktva manasaivainam
tad-rupam eva samsmrtya
    pravisto gahanam vanam
    asadya muni-sattamah

ity - thus; uktva - speaking; manasa - with the mind; eva - indeed; enam - Her; maha-bhagavatottamah - the best of devotees; tad-rupam - Her form; eva - thus; samsmrtya - remembering; pravisto - entered; gahanam - deep; vanam - into the forest; asoka-latika-mulam - the root of ther asoka vine; asadya - attaining; muni-sattamah - the best of sages.

After speaking these words, the great devotee Narada Muni began to meditate on Sri Radha's transcendental form. Going deep into the forest, he found the place under the asoka vine.

Text 86

pratiksamano devim tam
    tatraivagamanam nisi
sthito 'tra prema-vikalas
    cintayan krsna-vallabham

pratiksamano - waiting; devim - the goddess; tam - Her; tatra - there; eva - indeed; agamanam - arrival; nisi - at night; sthito - staying; atra - there; prema-vikalas - overcome with spiritual love; cintayan - meditating; krsna-vallabham - on Lord Krsna's beloved.

There Narada waited for Goddess Radha to arrive in the middle of the night. Overcome with spiritual love, he stayed there, meditating on Lord Krsna's beloved.

Text 87

atha madhya-nisa-bhage
    yuvatyah paramadbhutah
purva-drstas tathanyas ca

atha - then; madhya-nisa-bhage - in the middle of the night; yuvatyah - young girls; paramadbhutah - very wonderful; purva-drstas - seen before; tatha - so; anyas - others; ca - and; vicitrabharana-srajah - decorated with wonderful ornaments and flower garlands.

Then, in the middle of the night, Narada saw, decorated with wonderful ornaments and flower garlands, the same very wonderful girls he had seen before, and many other girls also.

Text 88

drstva manasi sambhranto
    dandavat patito bhuvi
parivarya munim sarvas
    tas tah pravivisuh subhah

drstva - seeing them; manasi - in his heart; sambhranto - reverent; dandavat - like a stick; patito - fell; bhuvi - to the ground; parivarya - surrounding; munim - the sage; sarvas - all; tah tah - they; pravivisuh - entered; subhah - beautiful.

With a reverential heart, Narada fell like a stick before them. The beautiful girls at once surrounded the sage.

Text 89

prastu-kamo 'pi sa munih
    kincit svabhimatam priyam
nasakat prema-lavanya-

prastu-kamo - desiring to stand; api - even; sa - he; munih - the sage; kincit - something; svabhimatam - dear; priyam - dear; na - not; asakat - was able; prema - of love; lavanya - beauty; priya - dear; bhasa - words; pradharsitah - overcome.

Although he desired to stand, he could not. He was overcome with devotion and the wish to speak graceful worlds of praise.

Texts 90 and 91

athagata muni-srestham
    krtanjalim avasthitam
    sa-vismayam sa-sambhramam

su-vinitatamam praha
    tatraiva karunanvita
asoka-malini namna

atha - then; agata - approached; muni-srestham - the best of sages; krtanjalim - with folded hands; avasthitam - staying; bhakti-bhara-nata-grivam - he neck bowed with devotion; sa- vismayam - with wonder; sa-sambhramam - with respect; su- vinitatamam - very humble; praha - spoke; tatra - there; eva - indeed; karunanvita - merciful; asoka-malini - Asoka-malini; namna - by name; asoka-vana-devata - the goddess of that asoka grove.

Then the goddess of that asoka grove, a girl named Asoka- malini, mercifully approached the sage, his head bowed with awe and wonder, and his hands humbly folded. She spoke to him the following words.

Text 92

sri-asoka-maliny uvaca

asoka-kalikayam tu
    vasamy asyam maha-mune
raktambara-dhara nityam

sri-asoka-maliny uvaca - Sri Asoka-malini said; asoka- kalikayam - in an asoka bud; tu - indeed; vasamy - I reside; asyam - in this; maha-mune - O great sage; raktambara-dhara - wearign red garments; nityam - always; rakta-malanulepana - with red flower garlands and red sandal paste.

Sri Asoka-malini said; O great sage, dressed in red garments, decorated with red flower garlands, and anointed with red sandal pastimes, I always stay in this asoka grove.

Text 93


rakta-sindura-kalika - decorated with red sindura; raktotpala-vatamsini - wearing a garland fo red lotuses; rakta- manikya-keyura-mukutadi-vibhusita - decorated with ruby bracelets, crown, and other ornaments.

I am decorated with red sindura, garlands of red lotuses, ruby bracelets, ruby crown, and other ruby ornaments.

Text 94

ekada priyaya sardham
    viharantyo madhutsave
tatraiva milita gopa-
    balikas citra-vasasah

ekada - one day; priyaya - His beloved; sardham - with; viharantyo - enjoying pastimes; madhutsave - in a spirngtime festival; tatra - there; eva - indeed; milita - met; gopa-balikas - gopis; citra- vasasah - dressed in wonderful and colorful garments.

One day Lord Krsna enjoyed springtime-festival pastimes with His beloved and with many gopis dressed in wonderful and colorful garments.

Text 95

aham casoka-malabhir
    gopa-vesa-dharam harim
rama-rupas ca tah sarva
    bhaktya samyag apujayam

aham - I; ca - and; asoka - of asoka flowers; malabhir - with garlands; gopa-vesa-dharam - dressed as a gopa; harim - Krsna; rama- rupas - teh forms of the goddesses of fortune; ca - and; tah - they; sarva - all; bhaktya - with devotion; samyag - completely; apujayam - worshiped.

Giving Them many garlands of asoka flowers, I worshiped Lord Krsna, who was dressed as a gopa, and the many goddesses of fortune.

Text 96

tatah prabhrti caitasam
    madhye tisthami sarvada
bhusabhir vividhabhis ca
    tosayitva rama-patim

tatah - then; prabhrti - beginning; ca - also; etasam - of them; madhye - in the middle; tisthami - I stand; sarvada - always; bhusabhir - with ornaments; vividhabhis - various; ca - and; tosayitva - pleasing; rama-patim - the husband of the goddess of fortune.

I always stay among these gopis. Offering Him many different ornaments, I please the goddess of fortune's husband.

Text 97

parat param aham sarvam
    vijanamiha sarvatah
    rahasyam capi vedmy aham

parat param - greater than thegreatest; aham - I; sarvam - all; vijanami - know; iha - here; sarvatah - completely; go-gopa- gopikadinam - beginning with the cows, gopas, and gopis; rahasyam - secret; ca - and; api - also; vedmy - know; aham - I.

I know everything about Lord Krsna, who is greater than the greatest, and I also know all the secrets of the cows, gopas, gopis, and everyone else in Vrndavana.

Texts 98 and 99

tava jijnasitam sarvam
    hrdi pratyabhibhasitam
tam devim adbhutakaram

hareh priyam hiranyabham
katham pasyami lolaksim
    katham va tat-padambujam

tava - of you; jijnasitam - desiring to know; sarvam - all; hrdi - in the heart; pratyabhibhasitam - spoken; tam - Her; devim - goddess; adbhuta-akaram - whose form is wonderful; adbhutananda-dayinim - giving wonderful bliss; hareh - of Lord Krsna; priyam - the beloved; hiranyabham - splendid like gold; hirakojjvala-mudrikam - wearing diamond rings; katham - how; pasyami - I may see; lolaksim - with restless eyes; katham - how?; va - or; tat- padambujam - Her lotus feet.

I desire to know what is in your heart also.

Then Narada asked: How may I see Lord Hari's beloved, who is splendid like gold, whose form is wonderful, whose eyes are restless, who is a goddess, who wears splendid diamond rings, and who gives wonderful transcendental bliss? How may I see Her lotus feet?

Text 100

aradhyate 'ti-bhaktyeti
    tvaya brahman vimarsitam
tatra te kathayisyami
    vrttantam su-mahatmanam

aradhyate - is worshiped; ati - with great; bhaktya - devotion; iti - thus; tvaya - by you; brahman - O brahmana; vimarsitam - considered; tatra - there; te - of you; kathayisyami - I will tell; vrttantam - a story; su-mahatmanam - of the great souls.

O Brahman, you should worship Her with great devotion. I will tell you a story of some great devotees.

Texts 101 and 102

manase sarasi sthitva
    tapas tivram upeyusam
japatam siddha-mantrams ca
    dhyayatam harim isvaram

muninam kanksatam nityam
    tasya eva padambujam
    sankhyatanam mahaujasam

manase sarasi - in Manasa-sarovara; sthitva - staying; tapas - austerities; tivram - severe; upeyusam - engaged; japatam - chanting japa; siddha-mantran - siddha-mantras; ca - and; dhyayatam - meditating; harim - on Lord Krsna; isvaram - the Supreme Personality of Godhead; muninam - of nthe sages; kanksatam - desiring; nityam - always; tasya - of Her; eva - indeed; padambujam - the lotus feet; eka-saptati-sahasra-sankhyatanam - seventy-one-thousand; mahaujasam - very powerful.

Staying at Manasa-sarovara, seventy-one-thousand very powerful sages repeatedly performed severe austerities, chanted siddha-mantras, and meditated on Lord Hari so they could attain Sri Radha's lotus feet.

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