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Christchurch, New Zealand
26 November 2003

Today I was supposed be driven by Padmasambhava Prabhu to HH Mukunda Gosvami's place, which is about an hour and a half north of Auckland by auto. But yesterday Maharaja phoned to say he had taken ill. He has a problem with his heart. So instead, today Padma took me about an hour south of Auckland to Helensville, where we visited a hot pool. Then we went to disciple Rohita das' house and took prasada. After that we visited another disciple, Indrakarma das, who had an auto accident yesterday morning. Thus he was unable to attend the Vyasa Puja ceremony. He cracked his breastbone and has to stay in bed for 10 days. His car was wrecked beyond repair, but the insurance will pay for it. The accident was not Indrakarma's fault. It was caused by a fellow who tried to do an illegal turn. The really good thing is that although Indrakarma had his two-year-old son, Radhesyama, with him, the boy was by Krsna's grace unhurt.

HH Mukunda Maharaja, one of the very first of Srila Prabhupada's disciples, recently became a citizen of New Zealand. Having not enough sukrti to get his darsana, I can't give more news about him.

Tomorrow at 7:00 PM I begin a new seminar, this one on the Kalisantarana Upanisad.

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Bhagavad-Gita in Essence
(continued from yesterday)

The Second Essence: The Catur-Sloki Gita
(Bg 10.8-10.11)

Focus on Bg 10.10 purport

Buddhi means intelligence, and yoga means mystic activities or |mystic elevation.


1. Sri Krsna, as Paramatma in the heart of all beings, is the source of buddhi. Becoming conscious of Him is the goal of yoga.

Quotation from the Purport of Bg 2.39:

This buddhi-yoga is clearly explained in Chapter Ten, verse ten, as being direct communion with the Lord, who is sitting as Paramatma in everyone's heart.

2. According to Renunciation Through Wisdom, page 15, the essence of buddhi-yoga is given in Bhagavad-gita Chapter 2, texts 39-40. That essence may be expressed in just one sentence from text 39: "O son of Prtha, when you act in such knowledge you can free yourself from the bondage of works." Hence, buddhi-yoga is action in knowledge of Krsna--knowledge that is revealed within the heart by Paramatma.

3. Such action in knowledge of Krsna may be executed in three ways under Vedic injunction. The Bhagavad-gita consists of Krsna's explanations of these three ways of buddhi-yoga.

Quotation from Renunciation Through Wisdom, page 16:

At the same time the Gita points out how to execute buddhi-yoga through jnana, or analytical study, and karma, or fruitive action. When buddhi-yoga is executed in conjunction with fruitive activity, it is known as karma-yoga. Similarly, when it is executed in conjunction with analytical study, then it is called jnana-yoga. And when buddhi-yoga, or devotional service, transcends both karma-yoga and jnana-yoga and becomes completely unalloyed, that devotion is called pure bhakti-yoga, or loving devotional service to the Supreme Lord.

The ultimate goal of progress is Krsna. People do not know this; therefore the association of devotees and a bona fide spiritual master are important. One should know that the goal is Krsna, and when the goal is assigned, then the path is slowly but progressively traversed, and the ultimate goal is achieved.


1. In Vaisnava-siddhanta-mala ("A Garland of Vaisnava Truths"), Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura explains that there are two kinds of knowledge: self-evident knowledge (svatah-siddha-jnana), and knowledge that depends on the senses (indriya-paratantra jnana).

Quotations from Vaisnava-siddhanta-mala:

Self-evident knowledge is the natural truth that is inherently a feature of the pure spirit soul's original form.

The Veda is present in every pure spirit soul's existence in the form of svatah-siddha-jnana. According to the different levels of different souls in the materially conditioned state, this Veda will spontaneously manifest itself to someone, or it may remain veiled to someone else. Therefore, to help rewaken the forgetful conditioned souls to the eternally self-evident truths, the Veda has also incarnated in the form of written books which may be heard, recited and studied.

That which is called svatah-siddha-jnana is another name for bhakti. When speaking of topics relating to the supreme truth (para-tattva), some call it jnana and some call it bhakti.

The types of jnana that are condemned in the bhakti-sastras are indriya-paratantra-jnana (knowledge based on sense-perception) and nirvisesa-jnana (impersonal non-distinct knowledge), the latter of which is merely the absence of the former.

2. Direct perception of Sri Krsna through self-evident knowledge is the goal of the Vedas. Progress along the Vedic path means the cleansing of indriya-paratantra-jnana (also called visesa- jnana, knowledge of material distinctions) and nirvisesa-jnana from our consciousness so that the svatah-siddha-jnana may shine forth from within the heart. Thus, whether one executes the karma, jnana or bhakti yoga systems, Krsna must be understood as the goal. Attaining that goal, one attains pure bhakti.

Quotation from Vaisnava-siddhanta-mala:

By examining all the statements of the Vedas collectively, it is seen that they are all in agreement that other than Bhagavan, there is nothing else worth knowing. All the karma (fruitive activities) mentioned in the Vedas ultimately lead to Bhagavan. When jnana (speculative knowledge) fructifies into its pure condition, then one gives up all dualities that arise from both visesa-jnana and nirvisesa-jnana; one then aims for Bhagavan. The process of bhakti (devotional service) naturally cultivates a direct relationship with Bhagavan: therefore the Lord can be known by all the Vedas.

Bg 9.2:

This knowledge is the king of education, the most secret of all secrets. It is the purest knowledge, and because it gives direct perception of the self by realization, it is the perfection of religion. It is everlasting, and it is joyfully performed.

A person may have a bona fide spiritual master and may be attached to a spiritual organization, but still, if he is not intelligent enough to make progress, then Krsna from within gives him instructions so that he may ultimately come to Him without difficulty. The qualification is that a person always engage himself in Krsna consciousness and with love and devotion render all kinds of services. He should perform some sort of work for Krsna, and that work should be with love. If a devotee is not intelligent enough to make progress on the path of self-realization but is sincere and devoted to the activities of devotional service, the Lord gives him a chance to make progress and ultimately attain to Him.


1. It is priti-purvaka, the method of love, that is the essential means to attain pure buddhi-yoga.

Quotatation from the Purport to Bg 2.39:

One who is therefore situated in devotional or transcendental loving service to the Lord, or, in other words, in Krsna consciousness, attains to this stage of buddhi-yoga by the special grace of the Lord. The Lord says, therefore, that only to those who are always engaged in devotional service out of transcendental love does He award the pure knowledge of devotion in love. In that way the devotee can reach Him easily in the ever-blissful kingdom of God.

SB 11.14.22-25:

Neither religious activities endowed with honesty and mercy nor knowledge obtained with great penance can completely purify one's consciousness if they are bereft of loving service to Me. If one's hairs do not stand on end, how can the heart melt? And if the heart does not melt, how can tears of love flow from the eyes? If one does not cry in spiritual happiness, how can one render loving service to the Lord? And without such service, how can the consciousness be purified? A devotee whose speech is sometimes choked up, whose heart melts, who cries continually and sometimes laughs, who feels ashamed and cries out loudly and then dances--a devotee thus fixed in loving service to Me purifies the entire universe. Just as gold, when smelted in fire, gives up its impurities and returns to its pure brilliant state, similarly, the spirit soul, absorbed in the fire of bhakti-yoga is purified of all contamination caused by previous fruitive activities and returns to its original position of serving Me in the spiritual world.

SB 11.12.8:

The inhabitants of Vrndavana, including the gopis, cows, unmoving creatures such as the twin arjuna trees, animals, living entities with stunted consciousness such as bushes and thickets, and snakes such as Kaliya, all achieved the perfection of life by unalloyed love for Me and thus very easily achieved Me.

Quotation from Srila Prabhupada:

Tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam. Priti, with love. When you work, when you work for Krsna with love and enthusiasm, that is your Krsna conscious life. If you think that "It is hackneyed, it is troublesome, but what can I do? These people ask me to do it. I have to do it," that is not Krsna consciousness. You have to do it voluntarily and with great pleasure. Then you know.

2. But a doubt may be raised: in the quote from the Purport now under examination, Srila Prabhupada is stating that a disciple who is not intelligent enough to advance in self-realization under the direction of his spiritual master and in the association of other devotees may yet perform devotional service with love and receive instructions directly from Supersoul within the heart. How is this statement to be understood in the light of the following quotations?

Quotation from SB 4.28.41, Purport:

The Supreme Personality of Godhead speaks directly to the individual soul when the devotee has completely purified himself by rendering devotional service to the Lord. Lord Krsna confirms this also in Bhagavad-gita (10.10):

tesam satata-yuktanam
bhajatam priti-purvakam
dadami buddhi-yogam tam
yena mam upayanti te

To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.
The Lord is the Supersoul seated in everyone's heart, and He acts as the caitya-guru, the spiritual master within. However, He gives direct instructions only to the advanced, pure devotees. In the beginning, when a devotee is serious and sincere, the Lord gives him directions from within to approach a bona fide spirit- ual master. When one is trained by the spiritual master according to the regulative principles of devotional service and is situated on the platform of spontaneous attachment for the Lord (raga-bhakti), the Lord also gives instructions from within. Tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam. This distinct advantage is obtained by a liberated soul.
Quotation from SB 7.15.76, Purport:
The Lord sends the spiritual master to train a devotee, and when the devotee is advanced, the Lord acts as the spiritual master within his heart.

tesam satata-yuktanam
bhajatam priti-purvakam
dadami buddhi-yogam tam
yena mam upayanti te

To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.

Krsna does not become the direct spiritual master unless one is fully trained by His representative spiritual master.

3. There is no contradiction. The essence of following the order of the spiritual master is always love and sincerity, even if the disciple does not have the intelligence to understand the order fully. An example would be the illiterate brahmana of Sri Rangam who still tried to read the Bhagavad-gita daily on the order of his guru. He carried out this order with great enthusiasm and deep feelings of spiritual love. Thus he could see the form of Partha-sarathi within his heart, and got the shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Quotation from Srila Prabhupada:

If he's sincere, it cannot be imperfect. Because... We are always imperfect, but Krsna will help us. Tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam, buddhi-yogam dadami tam. How he can be imperfect? Krsna will give him intelligence. Imperfect means whose intelligence is not perfect. But when Krsna is giving intelligence, how he can be imperfect? He may be imperfect, but he's being helped by Krsna. Therefore he's not imperfect.

Quotation from SB 4.28.51, Purport:

Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur a remarks that unless one is very highly elevated in loving the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one cannot see Him as He is. Nonetheless, if one sticks to the principles enunciated by the spiritual master, somehow or other he is in association with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Since the Lord is in the heart, He can advise a sincere disciple from within. This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (10.10):

tesam satata-yuktanam
bhajatam priti-purvakam
dadami buddhi-yogam tam
yena mam upayanti te

To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.

In conclusion, if a disciple is very serious to execute the mission of the spiritual master, he immediately associates with the Supreme Personality of Godhead by vani or vapuh. This is the only secret of success in seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Instead of being eager to see the Lord in some bush of Vrndavana while at the same time engaging in sense gratification, if one instead sticks to the principle of following the words of the spiritual master, he will see the Supreme Lord without difficulty.

4. Another point is that even a highly advanced devotee feels himself to be a fool and thus, in loving devotion, he depends upon Krsna for everything.

Quotation from CC Madhya 19.135, Purport:

An empowered devotee sees and feels himself to be the lowest of men, for he knows that whatever he does is due to the inspiration given by the Lord in the heart. This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gita:

tesam satata-yuktanam
bhajatam priti-purvakam
dadami buddhi-yogam tam
yena mam upayanti te

To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me. (Bg 10.10)

To be empowered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one has to qualify himself. This means that one must engage twenty- four hours daily in the loving devotional service of the Lord. The material position of a devotee doesn't matter because devotional service is not dependent on material considerations. In his earlier life, Srila Rupa Gosvami was a government officer and a grhastha. He was not even a brahmacari or sannyasi. He associated with mlecchas and yavanas, but because he was always eager to serve, he was a qualified recipient for the Lord's mercy. A sincere devotee can therefore be empowered by the Lord regardless of his situation.

5. To put Bg 10.10 into practice, the devotee simply has to do his very best for Krsna according to his own individual capacity.

Quotation from CC Antya 1.197, Purport:

The Supreme personality of Godhead is not partial to some and neutral to others. One can actually draw the attention of the Supreme Personality of Godhead by service. Then one is further empowered by the Lord to act in such a way that everyone can appreciate his service. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (4.11): ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham. Krsna is responsive. If one tries to render his best service to the Lord, the Lord gives him the power to do so. Krsna also says in Bhagavad-gita:

tesam satata-yuktanam
bhajatam priti-purvakam
dadami buddhi-yogam tam
yena mam upayanti te

To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me. (Bg. 10.10)

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu bestowed His special favor upon Srila Rupa Gosvami because Rupa Gosvami wanted to serve the Lord to the best of his ability. Such is the reciprocation between the devotee and the Lord in the discharge of devotional duties.

6. The bonafide spiritual master's instruction is that the disciple must take shelter of Krsna in the heart. If the disciple can do this much, his life will be successful.

Quotation from SB 8.16.20, Purport:

Whenever one is perplexed, let him take shelter of the lotus feet of Vasudeva, Krsna, who will give the devotee intelligence to help him surpass all difficulties and return home, back to Godhead. Kasyapa Muni advised his wife to seek shelter at the lotus feet of Vasudeva, Krsna, so that all her problems would be very easily solved. Thus Kasyapa Muni was an ideal spiritual master. He was not so foolish that he would present himself as an exalted personality, as good as God. He was actually a bona fide guru because he advised his wife to seek shelter at the lotus feet of Vasudeva. One who trains his subordinate or disciple to worship Vasudeva is the truly bona fide spiritual master.

(To be continued tomorrow, focusing on the purport to Bg 10.11)

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