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ISKCON Wroclaw, Poland
12 August 2003

This is dated 12th August, but actually I am writing this on the 11th afternoon.

I was supposed to leave Wroclaw at 10:00 AM on 11th August. But I was stuck down with some strange illness. It seems like heat stroke. There is a heat wave here in Central Europe, but heat stroke? I've only gotten that in India, and then only when I was a long time outside under the hot sun. These past days in Wroclaw I've been inside.

In any case, I was practically unconscious the whole day, from 7:00 AM until about 4:00 PM. Such rich dreams I had! I discussed Krsna's pastimes with HH Tamal Krsna Gosvami. He remarked that the Universal Form is "a riot of archetypes," and I started laughing. There was an inauguration of a grand temple complex in my dreams also...seemed like it was in Vrndavana. A huge place, still in construction, many devotees attending. I was asked to read over the microphone during the prasadam service.
I suppose I am better now, though I am not sure. I still feel weak and woozy. I won't be surprised if I go back to sleep shortly.

Otherwise, I am in a very good mood all the time, even when sick. It's amazing. I cannot help but trace this new spirit of inner peace and contented detachment to my visit to Ekatarina, the Czech medicine-woman. Let me state clearly: I know that this consciousness is due to Krsna alone. I don't think that Ekatarina "created" this consciousness within me. But I also know that this consciousness is always there, because Krsna is always there in the heart. I believe that Ekatarina's mystery-medicine has "moved" something out of the way that was covering this consciousness. Something that is both subtle and biophysical at the same time.

I suppose I will feel well enought to be able to travel tomorrow, the 12th of August. And if I do travel, it will be a long journey, seven hours by car. So therefore this entry, which was actully written on the afternoon of the 11th, will appear in In2-MeC on the 12th since I will very likely not be able to write anything on that day.

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