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ISKCON Wroclaw, Poland
11 August 2003

Here's the warm-hearted devoted family that does the Internet TV broadcasts of my lectures: Bhakta Ananta-sesa, Bhaktin Claudia and their little daughter. They reside in Den Haag, the Netherlands. Three big haribols for their nice service:
H A R I B O L ! ! ! ! ! !
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There is another nice family picture I would like to publish here--that of Vrndaranya-priya Prabhu and his wife Ananda-laksmi devi-dasi. They live in Antwerp, Belgium, a bit south of Ananta-sesa and family. Vrndaranya-priya goes online every day to see if I've published a new In2-MeC entry. I like to call him Vrndo. So dear Vrndo, now that you are reading this, please upload a .jpeg photofile of you and your good wife to my email address.
It is important, Prabhuji. There is a bad rumor going around the Internet about the country you live in. The rumor is that Belgium does not exist!
Go to
and see for yourself what they are saying!
People are getting worried that you and your wife are in some twilight zone of existence/nonexistence. You have to ease their minds. Please send a photo right away!

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