
newly discovered entries of In2-DeepFreeze       First Generation Animations

Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
29 May 2003

Yesterday evening I gave a lecture at the library of the student union at the University of Leiden. Often
Dutch politicians visit this university to speak to the students in the same library. The place was packed.

Unfortunately we, the devotees, were not permitted to photograph or video the program. Only a student
photographer took pictures; ISKCON can get copies of these photos, but that takes time. Thus I have no
pictures to share with you here.

Anyway, it seemed to me that this program was the best of the whole tour. In the beginning, though, it threatened to be otherwise. Students were wandering in with glasses in their hands containing beer or wine. At one point someone brought in a tray of beer glasses and passed it around the audience. Some students were obviously intoxicated.

What could I do? I led a kirtana for a long time to start the program off. Mercifully, a good number of devotees were present to fill the library hall with the pure vibration of Lord Krsna's name. This truly changed the atmosphere.

I kept the lecture simple and to the point. The students, even the drunken ones, were peaceful, polite and attentive. After my talk there were some very good questions. As the program closed, many from the audience came forward to tell myself and the other devotees present that they were very satisfied.

Today Vidyagati and I are going to Groeningen, a city in the eastern Netherlands, near the German border. We are staying for the weekend at the home of Dharmaksetra Prabhu and his wife Pitambara dd. On Monday Vidya and I return to Amsterdam to board a long-distance tour bus that will take us to Prague.
I'll have more to write when I am in Groeningen.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

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