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Sridhama Mayapur, West Bengal
18 March 2003

Today is the all-auspicious appearance day of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Sri Patita-pavana Gaura Hari Ki Jaya!

Two sound files are available here at In2-MeC for you to listen to (also available for download). One contains a recording of a bhajan by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura called Gay Gorachand Jiver Tore. You may also listen to it on your computer by using any standard sound-playing software like Windows Media Player or Winamp by downloading the MP3 file in the end of this text.

Here are the words to Gay Gorachand Jiver Tore and their translation:

gay gorachand jiver tore hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

"Lord Gaura-chandra sings the maha-mantra for the deliverance of all the fallen souls. "

ekbar bolo rasana ucchaih-sware bolo nandera nandan yashoda jivan sri-radha-raman, prema-bhare

"Fill yourself with divine love by chanting loudly just once all these names of Krishna: 'Oh Nanda-Nandana! O Yashoda-jivana! O Sri Radha-Ramana!'"

bolo sri-madhusudan, gopi-prana-dhana, murali-vadana, nrtya kore bolo agha-nisudan, putana-ghatana, brahma-vimohana, urdhva-kare

"Dancing with your arms in the air, chant "'O Sri Madhusudana! O Gopi-Prana-Dhana! O Murali-Vadana! O Agha-Nisudana! O Putana-Ghatana! O Brahma-Vimohana!'"

The second sound file is a recording of Gauranga Karuna Koro by Srila Narottam Das Thakura.

gauranga karuna koro, dina hina jane mo-samo patita prabhu, nahi tri-bhuvane

"O my dear Lord Gauranga! Please show Your mercy to this lowly and destitute soul. O Lord! There is no one more fallen than myself in all the three worlds. "

dante trna dhori gaura, daki he tomar krpa kori eso amar, hrdoya mandire

"Holding grass between my teeth, O Lord Gaura, I am calling out to You now! Please be compassionate upon me and come to reside within the temple of my heart. "

jadi doya na koribe, patita dekhiya patita pavana nama, kisera lagiya

"If You do not give Your mercy, seeing how fallen I am, then why are You known as Patita Pavana--the merciful Savior of the fallen?"

podeci bhava tuphane, nahika nistar sri carana tarani dane, dase koro par

"I am plunged amidst the violent hurricane-stricken waves in the ocean of this material world, from which there is no escape. Kindly give me the gift of Your divine lotus feet, which are compared to a boat in which Your servant may cross the ocean of birth and death. "

sri krsna caitanya prabhu, daser anudas prarthana koraye sada, narottam das

"Narottam Das, the servant of the servant of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu, ceaselessly makes this prayer. "

MP3-files for download:
Gay Gorachand Jiver Tore (492kByte)
Gauranga Karuna Koro (937 kByte)

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